Having met the neatly dressed Butler calmly sweeping the Mansion in Lethal Company, some might think that Zeekerss have finally added a safe NPC, but this is not so. After all, even Jeb won't mind killing you if you annoy him, but Butler has a slightly different strategy. This enemy does not like to act in front of witnesses and will wait until you are left alone.

Elegantly hiding a broom and taking out a Kitchen Knife, this frightening monster will rush at the player in an attempt to kill them. But before you fight back, you should know that a living Butler is much safer than a dead one.

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How To Survive Against The Butler In Lethal Company

Butler in Lethal Company

The first thing you should know about the Butler in Lethal Company is that it has two phases. During the first phase, this monster leisurely sweeps the floors without paying attention to you. It will not attack until you damage it and will ignore you even if there is more than one such monster in the same room. However, this is only the case if you are exploring the building in the company of at least one friend.

Left alone with the Butler, it will immediately hide the broom and take out a knife to stab the lone player to death. This marks the beginning of the second phase, and even if another player returns to the room, the Butler will not stop attacking until it dies or kills its victim. However, if you leave, this monster will automatically return to the first phase and will not move to the second until the conditions are met again.

The easiest way to deal with the Butler in Lethal Company is to go everywhere with a friend and ignore it. Otherwise, you will have to kill this Butler to defend yourself, but the end result of doing so is incredibly difficult to deal with. Since you can easily survive several hits from a kitchen knife, and killing Butler requires only 2-4 hits with any weapon, you will win with minimal effort. The Butler's head will then burst, causing minor damage, so move away when it starts to inflate.

It sounds a little nasty, but this is not the worst part. After this monster has been incapacitated, a swarm of Mask Hornets will fly out of its body and chase you, causing decent damage. There's no way you can kill these little creatures, and the only way to escape is to lure them into some room and lock them inside. Of course, this is quite difficult to do, and if you fail, you will have to leave and come to terms with the fact that you will no longer be able to collect anything there.

Next to the Butler's corpse, players will find its Kitchen Knife. It is one of the fastest weapons in the game, but it has surprisingly low damage. It would be a great choice if you're looking for something to combat the Nutcracker, but this weapon is pretty much useless against most other enemies, including even something as simple as the Bunker Spider. That said, this weapon could receive a boost in future updates to make it more reliable.

Can You Kill Butler In Lethal Company?

Butler in Lethal Company

As stated earlier, any player can kill the Butler with just 2–4 hits with any weapon, like the Stop-Sign or the Shovel. The Mask Hornets that fly out from its corpse, however, are immortal and will pursue you until they kill you. It's best to lock them in a room or try to avoid killing the Butler until you decide to leave the facility. Better yet, lure the Butler into a small room, kill him, and lock the room before his little followers appear.

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It's also important to keep in mind that one area can have up to 5 Butlers. While playing with friends, explore the building, lure each enemy into a separate room, kill them, and close the doors. Only then will you be able to safely collect scraps separately from each other.

Where To Find The Butler In Lethal Company

Butler in Lethal Company

You can meet the Butler on any moon where the Mansion appears, but it also occasionally appears in other places. Be that as it may, here are the most common moons where you can meet the Butler:

  • 7-Dine Moon
  • 8-Artifice Moon
  • 20-Adamance
  • 85-Rend

That's everything you need to know about the Butler in Lethal Company. This enemy can be the most annoying and harmless creature at the same time. Those who wish to avoid a confrontation with this creature should ensure that their friends are close by at all times.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023