Rend is one of the most dangerous places you can visit. This blizzard-covered planet offers generous rewards for those brave souls who dare to visit it and the local mansion. In this guide, we'll tell you more about the enemies and scrap that await you in the Rend map in Lethal Company. You'll also learn some tips and tricks to better navigate this map.

Lethal Company: 7 Hardest Creatures In The Game, Ranked

These monstrous entities are the hardest to deal with in Lethal Company.

Lethal Company: Everything You Need to Know About Rend Map

Lethal Company Rend Map

Rend is a moon that you can access for 550 credits. Compared to the other paid satellites, this one will be the least dangerous, but it will still destroy those who are not prepared enough. The hazard level is A, and the weather events you can encounter are stormy and eclipsed. Be wary of the eclipse at all costs because you will have virtually no chance of survival if you decide to go on a raid in such weather.

Stormy will be a less dangerous weather condition, but it will make it awfully difficult to move around the map. In this case, it is recommended to move only from the ship to the mansion and back.

Lethal Company: How to Enter the Mansion on Rend Map

Lethal Company: player

The path to the Mansion entrance will be lit with lanterns. You will see the first lantern immediately on the right after you exit the ship. From there, you can move along the lighted path and enter the mansion.

You can also enter from two sides with your team. For this, you or your teammates turn right when you reach the first lantern. Here, you will notice a path that will lead you up a small rise. Once you get to the top, you will notice a trench below, where you need to go down. When you get to the end, look around, and you will see a red fire door.

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Lethal Company: Rend Map Monsters

Lethal Company: monsters

It's worth noting that during the day, the monsters here don't appear. All the fun will be waiting for you as soon as you leave the mansion to go back to the ship. Here is a list of monsters you can meet outside:

Each of these mobs is aggressive, so it is recommended to have a Zap Gun or at least a Stun Grenade to resist them. Don't forget to cooperate with the team and notify them of danger, especially if you are the one who was left on the ship with the radar and walkie-talkie.

Inside the mansion, you'll also find plenty of enemies, and a significant number of them can't be killed. These are the enemies you can encounter inside the mansion:

Surviving here will be very difficult, so make sure you have a full team of 4 people. Do not rush to this map if you are not well-prepared because you definitely need to have good weapons and TZP-Inhalant to run away from monsters.

Lethal Company: Rend Map Scrap

Lethal Company: multiple players

Speaking of scrap, there are plenty of valuable items waiting for you. Rend is a dangerous map, but it offers generous rewards, such as paintings, fancy lamps, perfumes, and much more. You must explore the mansion and collect scrap to recoup the month's visit fee and have some scrap for your quota, but be cautious and do it quickly to avoid encountering bloodthirsty monsters. Here is the entire list of scrap that you can find on the map:

  • Gift Box
  • Painting
  • Comedy
  • Fancy lamp
  • Brass bell
  • Robot toy
  • Bottles
  • Coffee mug
  • Hairdryer
  • Magnifying glass
  • Toy cube
  • Teeth
  • Red soda
  • Hairbrush
  • Tea kettle
  • Tragedy
  • Golden cup
  • Toothpaste
  • Magic 7 ball
  • Ring
  • Old phone
  • Plastic fish
  • Rubber Ducky
  • Cash register
  • Candy
  • Airhorn
  • Clown horn
  • Laser pointer
  • Big bolt
  • Jar of pickles
  • Pill bottle
  • Large axle
  • V-type engine

Just like on other planets, don't try to pick up all the scrap by staying in the mansion for a long time. The longer you stay there, the more dangerous monsters appear and start hunting for you. Instead, determine the daily quota of credits you want to earn and find scrap as fast as possible. Do not stay in the mansion longer than 5-6 pm because then the chances of survival are slim. Basically, the main thing is to be careful and react quickly in critical situations. If you have the right team with you, Rend raids will be a fun adventure.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023