Lethal Company offers players a myriad of tools to use within the game, and the latest update 45 has added some cool items to the inventory, including Spray Paint. Spray Paint is a handy tool that can save a player’s life and also a fun tool when vandalizing a facility.

The Spray Paint has a vast space for experimentation, allowing players to use it as they please. Although Spray Paint is easy to obtain and use, not many players know how to get and use it within the game. Here’s everything players should know about Spray Paint in Lethal Company, including how to use it.

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How to Get Spray Paint in Lethal Company

spray paint lethal company

To obtain Spray Paint in Version 45, players must purchase it for 50 credits from the Terminal Store. You may find the Spray Paint at a discounted price, making it even more affordable.

How to Use Spray Paint in Lethal Company

lethal company spray paint

To use the Spray Paint, equip it, approach the desired wall, and press the attack button. Paint will be applied to the surface for about a second before it starts running dry. You will need to shake the Spray Paint as you would in real life for more paint to be applied. To shake the Spray Paint, hold down the Q button. Continue drawing and shaking until you’re done.

You can use Spray Paint to:

  • Mark the rooms you’ve entered
  • Point you and your crew in a specific direction
  • Draw graffiti on walls
  • Leave tags to find your way out of facilities
  • Draw random pictures or words for laughs
  • Communicate with team members, e.g., informing them you’ve already searched an area
  • Point players to entrances and exits

Use your imagination to do anything with the Spray Paint. It’s essential to note that there’s no way to refill Spray Paint in Lethal Company, so if you use up your paint, you have to purchase another one to apply graffiti on surfaces. Luckily, players can buy more than one Spray Paint from the Terminal Store. As for the empty can, you can either sell it or throw it away. Use your Spay Paint sparingly, as there’s only a limited supply, and you don’t want to run out when you need it the most.

The Spray Paint in Lethal Company is not a weapon, so players cannot use it to attack monsters. It’s simply a handy tool to mark areas, leave signs, and communicate with crewmates.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023