
  • Spice up Lethal Company gameplay with goofy mods for more fun and chaos in co-op.
  • Mods like Skinwalkers and MemeSoundboard add humor and unpredictability to the game.
  • Enjoy new emotes, spectating monster POV, and custom TV content with popular mods.

Players should consider spicing up their Lethal Company mod list with goofy and funny mods for a more unique experience. These mods can make the game much harder, add funny content, or break friendships. Lethal Company's modding scene is thriving and players have countless creative mods that introduce more chaos to the game.

The Most Downloaded Mods For Lethal Company

Lethal Company is a lot of fun as it is, but the co-op indie game can be spiced up with the following popular mods that have the most downloads.

Some mods can fit well into the core of Lethal Company, as it already has a goofy element to its gameplay and graphics. These mods work best when played in a group and are sure to get a few laughs, whether from fear or humor. Whether centered around meme effects or hearing your dead crewmates, here are the goofiest mods in Lethal Company worth checking out.

7 PushCompany

Shove Your Crewmates

Two employees bridge

Pushing fellow crew members ought to be feasible, given the player's ability to lift heavy items. PushCompany adds the ability to push crewmates using the interaction key. Players can tweak push variables such as push force and range, push energy cost, and push cooldown.

Mischievous players can use the push mechanic to alter the outcome of an action, such as when a crewmate prepares for a risky jump or stands near a ledge. Installing PushCompany is akin to declaring a shoving fight between friends despite having a quota to meet. If you don't value the company you are in, then you may favor this mod as a way of letting your crewmates know.

6 Skinwalkers

Hear Your Dead Crewmates

stopsign melee weapon

The monsters in Lethal Company usually give themselves away through their audio and cause players to be cautious of that area. Instead of hearing a spider, with Skinwalkers, players can hear their friends talking. The mod records audio from talking players and has a monster play it back randomly.

Chaos can arise when a monster mimics a friend asking for help and players on their way to investigate are instead met with an unfriendly monster. Hearing the spooky voice of a crewmate who was confirmed dead is an eerie touch to the experience and will certainly have any nearby players scrambling to find the nearest exit.

5 BoomboxYT

Play Custom Audio and Videos

robot toy snow outdoors

The boombox in Lethal Company has a few groovy tunes, but its primary use is to distract enemies. The boombox can liven up a ship by allowing players to play custom music with the help of BoomboxYT. With this mod, players can play custom YouTube links directly from the boombox, just by copying a video link.

Lethal Company: How to Get and Use the Boombox

Here is everything Lethal Company players need to know about the Boombox, including how to get it and how they can utilize it.

All players will hear the same music, but it will take a short moment to load the audio on all game clients. Players can choose to play new tunes, memes, and even scary sounds to spook their friends.

4 MemeSoundboard

Have Meme Effects On Demand

flashlight indoors b3 door

Adding a soundboard item fits the theme of goofiness, especially when it comes with a selection of meme sound effects. MemeSoundboard adds a soundboard item that can be purchased from the store and comes prepackaged with 15 sound effects sure to annoy crewmates.

Some sound effects include the iconic metal pipe, vine boom, violin screech, and Wilhelm scream. Players can even scare fellow crewmates with the included ghost sound effect. The Meme Soundboard is sure to get plenty of use while players are landing hot on a new moon.

3 SpectateEnemies

See Things From A Monster POV

nutcracker close up

Spectating friends can get dull as there's not much else to do, but having the ability to SpectateEnemies changes things. Players can watch a monster assault their friends and watch them run. Seeing the monster's perspective is amusing and refreshing. Watching crewmates struggle to survive makes spectating more engaging as players have a few camera controls to enhance the experience.

Players zoom in and out using the scroll wheel to help get the perfect scene set up. This mod works best when players are not using a 3rd party voice chat system, and the dead crewmates can all revel in watching crewmates be chased by the same monster that killed them.

2 More Emotes

Use An Array of New Emotes

Yellow and orange suit ship

By default, Lethal Company only has two emotes for players to use. With More Emotes, players will have new ways to express themselves in-game. The emotes integrate seamlessly with new animations and use default keys 1 through 0 to add the new emotes.

Players can clap after meeting the quota, salute fallen crewmates, or give the middle finger if warranted. The mod adds two new dances and has a unique sign emote that allows players to input custom words that will be revealed on a sign for all to see.

1 TVLoader

Binge-Watch TV

two crewmates walkie-talkie

TVLoader by itself enables users to watch personalized content on the TV with other members of their crew. Players can sift through mods depending on TVLoader to add content to watch on the television. Many players have already added content ranging from funny memes, anime openings, and lore-friendly Lethal Company content.

The limits are endless, and some mods add clips from TV shows such as Dragon Ball, Spongebob, and even South Park. Just be sure not to get too distracted watching TV while all crewmates meet their demise.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023