As daring intergalactic explorers of Lethal Company travel to diverse moons in search of scrap, they may find themselves constantly shadowed by menacing monsters with their own unique strengths and vulnerabilities. Armed not only with the company's futuristic weaponry but also with knowledge, players can master the art of outsmarting and outmaneuvering these otherworldly adversaries.

7 Games To Play If You Like Lethal Company

Lethal Company has taken the gaming world by storm. For players who can't get enough co-op horror, these other titles will scratch that same itch.

While some weapons in Lethal Company are primarily used to stun enemies, like flashbangs and grenades, others deliver powerful blows that can finish off frightful foes to protect the team on their journey through space. Discover the arsenal of weapons in Lethal Company, their damage points, instructions on how to obtain them, and the list of all entities they are effective against.

Updated on May 15, 2024, by Jenna Amore: In the ruthless arena of Lethal Company, survival hinges on a razor's edge and every decision carries weight. The choice of weaponry can mean the difference between triumph and defeat. As the game evolves with the introduction of new entities and weapons, players must navigate an ever-expanding arsenal to secure their dominance on the battlefield. The best weapons are not only defined by their raw power but also by their efficiency, ease of use, reliability, and the challenge they pose to obtain. From those that merely stun to those that obliterate adversaries without mercy, each weapon offers a unique strategic advantage that players must consider carefully. Explore why these weapons reign supreme and how they can protect those bold enough to wield them.

9 Extension Ladder

How To Obtain: Terminal Store 60 Credits

A player uses the extension ladder as a weapon against their crewmate to kill them

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Other Players
  • Masked Enemies
  • Landmines

All Other Entities

To many players' surprise, the extension ladder can be used as a weapon in Lethal Company. It can be purchased via the terminal for 60 credits. Initially recognized as a versatile tool for bridging gaps, scaling walls, and navigating challenging terrains, it can also be used to detonate landmines and shield against turrets. On the contrary, the extension ladder harbors a hidden potential for lethal engagements.

The Extension Ladder is capable of dealing fatal blows when deployed at the optimal angle and distance in proximity to adversaries like Masked Enemies. Those who enjoy goofing around with their friends often shock others with hilarious ladder deaths. All it takes is one hit with a ladder to kill another player, no matter their damages prior. Considering how difficult it can be to find the exact deployment angle and timing and the fact that it can only kill two entities, the extension ladder ranks the lowest among weapons in the game.

8 Radar Booster

How To Obtain: Terminal Store 50 Credits

Lethal Company: How to Get and Use Radar Booster

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Coil-Heads
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Hygroderes
  • Jesters
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Snare Fleas
  • Circuit Bees
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Ghost Girls
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts
  • Spore Lizards

Many may also be surprised to find the Radar Booster among the list of most powerful weapons in Lethal Company. It can be purchased for 50 credits at the terminal shop. Positioned near entrances and exits, it serves as a guiding beacon that pings players in the surrounding area to navigate through mazes and can draw in enemies triggered by sound, such as eyeless dogs.

Players can also access the ship's terminal to use the "Flash [Radar-booster's name]" command, which is the reason the Radar Booster can be considered a weapon against enemies. It unleashes a blinding burst of light, stunning monsters like Forest Keepers and Snare Fleas within its vicinity for two to four seconds, creating the perfect opportunity for other players to employ alternate weapons to kill enemies. The Radar Booster can be used as both a navigational aid and a weaponized instrument, but given that it cannot kill any enemies alone, it still ranks quite low.

7 Easter Egg

How To Obtain: Found Inside Facility

The Easter Egg weapon item

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Coil-Heads
  • Circuit Bees
  • Ghost Girls
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Hygroderes
  • Jesters
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts
  • Spore Lizards

While the easter egg may seem innocuous at first glance, its value lies not only in its aesthetic appeal but also in its practical utility. They are lightweight scrap items that can be sold to the company for anywhere between 20 and 50 credits. Beneath their charming exterior lies a hidden danger. Easter eggs can explode when thrown or dropped in the game, even on accident, causing damage to any entity in the vicinity.

Lethal Company: How to Use the Terminal

The ship terminal in Lethal Company can be used to order items, open doors, and deactivate nasty traps. Here's how to do it.

This explosive potential adds an element of excitement to the Lethal Company battlefield, but it is an unreliable weapon with only a 16% chance of dealing damage upon detonation. Players must weigh the risks and rewards before relying on these whimsical projectiles in combat.

6 Homemade Flashbang / Stun Grenade

How To Obtain: Terminal Store 40 Credits Or Inside Facility

The background of a Forest Keeper with an image of a flashbang and a stun grenade, which are weapons in the game

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Coil-Heads
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Hygroderes
  • Jesters
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Spore Lizards
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Circuit Bees
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Ghost Girls
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts

Homemade flashbangs can be found inside facilities, while stun grenades can be purchased from the terminal for 40 credits. They essentially do the same thing: stun entities in the vicinity. The flashbangs will explode instantly by holding them and pressing LMB, inflicting minor damage on those in the area. On the other hand, stun grenades detonate three seconds after the pin has been pulled and can be thrown from a distance to avoid damage. It can cause critical injuries if the grenade is not thrown after the pin is pulled.

Entities in the blast radius will be stunned for up to five seconds, surpassing the window for the Radar Booster. Once stunned, other players can use weapons to finish off monsters. It can be particularly helpful for escaping against large enemies like the Forest Keeper or delaying the wind-up of the Jester. Once again, this weapon can only stun enemies, so players might want to wield other weapons.

5 Zap Gun

How To Obtain: Terminal Store 400 Credits

A player is using a zap gun as a weapon against a snare flea

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Hygroderes
  • Jesters
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Spore Lizards
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Circuit Bees
  • Coil-Heads
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Ghost Girls
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts

The Zap Gun is a powerful weapon that is used to stun and immobilize enemies for longer periods, given its steep price of 400 credits from the terminal store. Once equipped, press LMB to scan and lock onto entities in the vicinity before shooting them with electric beams. Keep the beams on the target by moving the camera angles with the mouse. There is a five-second cooldown between uses, and it must be charged after it has run out of battery.

Enemies that have been zapped will be immobilized for 30-60 seconds which is plenty of time to escape; however, it is ineffective against monsters such as the Ghost Girl, Coil-Heads, and Circuit Bees. After they have been stunned, other teammates can use alternative methods to kill enemies. Because the Zap Gun cannot kill enemies on its own, it ranks lower than other weapons on this list.

4 Stop/Yield Sign

How To Obtain: Found Inside Facility

A Hoarding Bug holding a stop sign in one hand and a yield sign in the other, two weapons that can be used against enemies

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Circuit Bees
  • Coil-Heads
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Ghost Girls
  • Hygroderes
  • Jesters
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts
  • Spore Lizards

Stop and Yield Signs are both considered scrap objects that can be found inside some facilities. Using LMB, a player with an equipped sign can swing it at many different monsters to kill them. Despite differences in weight (the yield sign is twice as heavy as the stop sign), both signs deal the same amount of damage: one hit point. They are often kept for offensive players to use in the facility, but can also be sold as scrap at the Company.

Lethal Company: 10 Tips For Playing On Eclipsed Moons

Eclipsed Moons aren't for the faint of heart in Lethal Company. Luckily, following these tips should help players survive.

The Stop Signs and Yield Signs are effective weapons against enemies such as Bunker Spiders, Snare Fleas, and Hoarding Bugs with just a couple of whacks. Contrary to previous weapons on this list, repeated blows from this weapon can kill up to eight entities in Lethal Company. However, there are a few small details that cause these tools to be ranked below the upcoming weapon.


3 Shovel

How To Obtain: Terminal Store 30 Credits

A player holding a shovel, a weapon from the game, and a player holding a dead body likely due to a shovel hit

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Circuit Bees
  • Coil-Heads
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Ghost Girls
  • Hygroderes
  • Jester
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts
  • Spore Lizards

Shovels are considered the main weapon in Lethal Company, and they can be bought from the terminal for 30 credits. They function the same as Stop and Yield Signs, but they surprisingly weigh less, allowing characters to move quicker throughout the moon and its facilities. Shovels doll out one hit of damage to eight different entities and briefly stun them before the next strike.

However, Unlike the traffic signs, shovels do not count toward the quota. Thankfully, though, they do return to the ship even if all scrap is lost due to the crew's demise. Shovels aren't void of value, though. If players are just shy of their quota, they can sell the corpses of their crewmates for five dollars each using the shovel. Utilizing the shovel and some clever strategies, players can defeat monsters like the Nutcracker, the ideal target for obtaining the optimum weapon in Lethal Company.

2 Kitchen Knife

How To Obtain: Stolen From Butlers

The butler entity, a player, and a Kitchen Knife weapon

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Brackens
  • Coil-Heads
  • Circuit Bees
  • Earth Leviathans
  • Ghost Girls
  • Hygroderes
  • Jesters
  • Manticoils
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts
  • Spore Lizards
  • Thumpers

Few weapons rival the swift and lethal prowess of the kitchen knife. Acquiring a kitchen knife is no simple feat. Players must defeat the butler, a deadly enemy that threatens to kill players who are alone. Once the butler is killed, players must swiftly grab the knife and avoid the mask hornets that erupt from the body. Unlike other weapons, butlers can be killed with a single stab with a kitchen knife.

What sets the Kitchen Knife apart from its counterparts is its unmatched agility and speed. With a lightning-fast attack rate and no cumbersome windups, it allows players to strike with precision and efficiency, delivering swift, decisive blows to their foes; however, this lethal efficiency comes at a cost. The kitchen knife boasts a smaller range compared to other weapons in the game. It can also be counted as a scrap item in exchange for quota fulfillment, with each blade valued at 35 credits.

1 Double-Barrel Shotgun

How To Obtain: Stolen From Nutcrackers

The nutcracker and his double-barrel shotgun, the best weapon in the game

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

  • Baboon Hawks
  • Brackens
  • Bunker Spiders
  • Butlers
  • Forest Keepers
  • Hoarding Bugs
  • Manticoils
  • Masked Enemies
  • Nutcrackers
  • Other Players
  • Snare Fleas
  • Thumpers
  • Tulip Snakes
  • Circuit Bees
  • Coil-Heads
  • Earth Leviathan
  • Eyeless Dogs
  • Ghost Girls
  • Hygroderes
  • Jester
  • Old Birds
  • Roaming Locusts
  • Spore Lizards

The Double-Barrel Shotgun is the best weapon in Lethal Company and is unsurprisingly the most difficult one to obtain. It is also known as the Nutcracker's Gun. Using a combination of the previous weapons on this list, players must stun and damage the Nutcracker from behind or as it is scanning the room to kill it. It will take up to four or five hits to bring him down. Players can take the Nutcracker's shotgun and its shells upon its death. Press the E key on the keyboard to reload the gun and LMB to fire the gun.

From a close distance, some entities like Masked Enemies and Hoarding Bugs only require a single shot from the Double-Barrel Shotgun for a kill. Especially devious monsters like Brackens and Thumpers may take a couple of extra shots. Once the player has run out of bullets, the shotgun is essentially useless and players must find more ammo from fallen Nutcrackers.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023