
  • Assign clear roles to every team member to ensure a cohesive and efficient group in Lethal Company.
  • New roles can benefit larger groups, but teams larger than 3 start to see diminishing returns.
  • Different roles like Zapper, Rear Guard, and Ship Operator have unique tools and functions to enhance gameplay.

No matter what lobby size players have, each member should have a clear role to cut down on confusion. Dedicating roles establishes a cohesive team that meets its quota and makes the company happy. Some roles are essential, no matter the team size.

Lethal Company: How to Survive & Beat Eyeless Dog

The Eyeless Dog may be blind, but it can hear the slightest of sounds. Here is how players can defeat this dangerous enemy in Lethal Company.

Once groups expand in size, new roles can help increase profits. Sticking together in Lethal Company is advantageous but brings diminishing returns when a group surpasses three players. Each employee's role consists of carrying specific equipment. Switching up roles also helps cut down on any player feeling burnt out and gives everyone a chance to experience the game differently.

7 Lead

Role: Bludgeon & Lead

Stop sign and flashlight


  • Shovel
  • Walkie-Talkie
  • Pro Flashlight (optional)

The lead will direct players while taking orders from the ship operator to lead players to items. This player will be at the front of the team and will make decisions regarding where to go and when to run if necessary.

The shovel may not be the best weapon in Lethal Company, but with some experience, players can utilize the weapon to its full potential to take down most of the monsters in the game. To conserve an inventory slot for carrying items, the lead can rely on other players' flashlights for navigation.

6 Rear Guard

Role: Watch Back & Aid Lead

Shotgun nutcracker


  • Shovel or Shotgun
  • Pro Flashlight

Whether players have access to a loaded shotgun or not, the rear guard plays a vital role in an efficient 3 stack. The rear guard's role is to prevent the Bracken from sneaking up on players and snapping their necks.

Lethal Company: How to Get and Use the Shotgun

The shotgun has become one of the most powerful weapons in Lethal Company; here’s how to get and use it.

If players have a shotgun to use, it is essential to keep the weapon's safety on as the weapon tends to fire randomly. The shotgun also has a wide range and will kill players caught in its area of attack.

5 Zapper

Role: Stun Monsters

zap gun yellow suit


  • Pro Flashlight
  • Zap-Gun

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. Avoiding dangerous monsters is difficult, but tackling them head-on can often be a wise choice when done right. The Zapper should ideally be followed by one or two players with a shovel. The shovel players will attack monsters while they are stunned.

Using the Zap Gun is straightforward but works best when players can maintain the electric beam for a long time. The Zapper must be careful not to stun their friends as the scan option may not always work as intended.

It's best to avoid having the Zap Gun player in the lead to ensure the lowest chance of losing the weapon, as it is pricey.

4 Ship Operator

Role: Terminal Use & Navigate

walkie-talkie monitor


  • Walkie-Talkie

Having a ship operator is the foundation for success in meeting quotas and finding loot. Ship operators have the duties of opening doors, disabling turrets and minefields, warning players of nearby monsters, guiding players to loot, and guiding players to the exits.

Effective communication and using the terminal is what makes a ship operator stand out. Ship operators also have the fun task of teleporting dead bodies to prevent a credit penalty. The ship operator may also give occasional messages to inverse teleported players using the signal translator.

3 Alternate Entrance

Role: Locate Items

fire exit flashlight


  • Pro Flashlight
  • Walkie-Talkie

In the theme of spreading out, having one player venture alone to a fire exit can lead to finding more loot. Since the player using the fire exit has no means to fight back, they should opt for a low-risk play style. The Walkie-Talkie is essential to alert the player of early danger and potential loot.

Lethal Company: Fake Fire Exit, Explained

If you're concerned about fake fire exits in Lethal Company, read this guide to know more about them.

Fire exits are not guaranteed to be safe and require a player knowledgeable of how to best avoid monsters. Should the player at the alternate entrance pass away, a crewmate will have to carry everything they left outside the fire exit back to the ship.

2 Random Teleporter

Role: Find Items

Inverse Teleporter in use


  • Inverse Teleporter

With a larger team, buying an inverse teleporter can be a wise decision to help players spread out across the map. Having one player use the inverse teleporter can be a risk, but since no items are lost, there is a high reward for no loss.

Since players have an empty inventory, they can carry four items compared to the usual two or even one. Players can teleport directly in a room full of loot, in front of a current, or in a locked room. The random teleporter may occasionally receive messages from the ship operator through the signal transmitter.

1 Transport Mule & Hive Locator

Role: Deposit Items & Recover Gear

sand fog large item hands full


  • Jetpack (optional)
  • Walkie-Talkie

Carrying items back to the ship is time-consuming for players, but someone has to do it. One unlucky crew member will be tasked with transporting items back to the ship and recovering gear from dead crewmates.

The transport mule can use this opportunity to practice using the jetpack to quickly transport items. The transport mule can search for bee hives to later collect while hauling goods. Collecting bee hives should be done last, as having angry bees roaming around is no fun.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023