The Dark Souls series, FromSoftware’s franchise with a cult following, has steadily become one of the most popular franchises in gaming. This has only increased since their massively influential - and successful - open-world style release Elden Ring. Its unforgivable difficulty and learning curve, paired with complex, delicate combat, made it a challenge for gamers old and new to embark on within a gothic aesthetic, which added to the game’s mood

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The Souls games influenced developers from all over the world to create games which rang true to the franchise, while also adding to it to create new experiences. There are Soulslikes aplenty available on Steam, so which are the most promising, lesser-known options on offer?

10 Asterigos: Curse Of The Stars

Asterigos Curse Of The Stars Character Fighting Monster

Few games within the Soulslike circle have delved outside the dark, gothic aesthetics of their forefathers. Asterigos: Curse Of The Stars is an exception to this, with its vibrant environments and Greek/Norse mythological influences bringing a ray of light to an otherwise dark world. Difficult bosses add to the Souls influence, while an extensive talent tree makes it stand out from the franchise.

Mixed with a plethora of equipment combination possibilities and a curious story with a heavy mythological edge, it makes for an interesting and new experience for fans of the Dark Souls franchise. It may take a while for players to get used to the combat system, but patience pays off for this underground Soulslike.

9 Last Hero of Nostalgia

Last Hero Of Nostalgaia Character Facing Large Boss

The Soulsbourne series might be serious and dramatic in their nature, but that doesn’t stop other developers from chasing an entirely different angle. Last Hero of Nostalgaia is an action-adventure game heavily inspired by FromSoftware’s famous franchise, with difficult combat and an engaging narrative guaranteed to please Soulsbourne fans.

Few games tick all the boxes of an enjoyable, influential, and different experience like Last Hero of Nostalgaia. Its admiration and respect for the Dark Souls franchise, paired with the satirical comedic angle of The Stanley Parable in the adorable art style of Medievil is a combination of pure gold.

8 Grime

Grime Character In Front Of Large Shrine Boss

For a game to enter the realm of Soulslike, it doesn’t necessarily just have to relate to the combat style. Grime is a side-scrolling action adventure RPG which gives delicate nods to the Souls franchise while remaining true to a unique vision. The art style is attractive, shifting from murky underbellies to vibrant backgrounds.

Its lore is driven through items discovered on the player's journey, which is a giant nod to Dark Souls and FromSoftware’s other efforts. A fan favourite in the franchise, parrying is a key aspect of navigating the world of Grime, and its bosses are incredibly difficult. Those looking for a challenge should look here.

7 Unsighted

Unsighted Boss Fight Blazing Automaton

Unsighted is a Metroidvania-style action-adventure game which also borrows some elements from the Legend of Zelda franchise. Players trawl through dungeons in search of set upgrades, while navigating hazards using an array of tools such as a grapple.

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It makes for an interesting playthrough and has received significant praise in the year since its release. Its nods to Sekiro with its parry-based combat make it a serious consideration for fans of the Soulsbourne series. Introducing guns to the mix, where ‘parries’ result in quicker reload times, is a nice touch in standing out from the plethora of Soulslike games out there.

6 Thymesia

Thymesia Player Facing Opponent

Other games on this list have provided an entirely different perspective on the Soulsbourne series through either their art style or mechanics. Thymesia, however, has taken direct inspiration from FromSoftware, and created a fast-paced action RPG set in a depressive, gothic-inspired landscape.

Players take control of a character known only as Corvus, a mysterious figure dressed in plague doctor guise. In an interesting twist, Corvus can shift into a raven form, adding several abilities and weapons into the player’s arsenal including executions and throwing feathers to stagger opponents. For those who can’t wait until the next FromSoftware game, Thymesia could be a great option.

5 Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell Player Facing Ice Boss

Another game which takes direct inspiration from the Soulsbourne series is Mortal Shell. Players are plunged into a nightmare realm filled with a variety of enemies and bosses and must discover ‘shell’s which act as the game’s offering of classes.

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An ability tree also helps the game stand out from the crowd, but its dedication to the Soulsbourne franchise is clear. Parrying, a sombre and depressive aesthetic, and poise damage all contribute to a familiar feeling while playing the game. Its downfalls, however, are that it’s rather short for a game of its kind and combat can be clunky.

4 Unworthy

Unworthy Boss Fight

Described as a Metroidvania without jumping, Unworthy follows in the footsteps of Dark Souls with a boss-centric game with a consistent level of challenge making for a steep learning curve. Abilities come from equipment; there is not much in the form of traditionally ‘levelling up’. In true Souls fashion, the bosses are relentless, with battles spanning four - or even six-plus - phases paired with a dramatic, engaging soundtrack.

Unworthy is, so far, a hidden gem of a game which deserves considerably more praise than it currently holds. Its deep, rich lore, grim atmosphere, incredible soundtrack and tight combat make it a thrilling and engaging addition to the Soulslike universe, while making its own mark in the gaming industry.

3 Loot River

Loot River Boss Fight

The first roguelike of its kind, Loot River is a top-down dungeon trawler with delicate Soulsbourne influences. Its gorgeous art style pits players in labyrinths of extreme detail while maintaining a pixelated character design which pairs beautifully with its procedurally generated maps.

Players can take control of platforms to navigate the world, making for an exciting and innovative approach to the genre. Parrying is crucial in Loot River, and there are a plethora of build approaches available for players to dig their teeth into. For those looking for something entirely different, Loot River is highly recommended.

2 Source Of Madness

Source Of Madness Dark Lit Room And Large Character

AI-generated art has become somewhat of a phenomenon recently, but it took quite some time for it to reach the gaming world. Source Of Madness, however, remedies that and incorporates AI into its world and monster generation. Players will set out against gargantuan, Lovecraftian monstrosities as they traverse a world with Soulslike zone announcements, a familiar equipment system, and a morbid world reminiscent of the Soulsbourne franchise.

Overall, Source Of Madness is perhaps one of the most curious passion projects of the Soulslike universe. Its roguelike nature guarantees an interesting run after every death.

1 Kena: Bridge Of Spirits

Kena Bridge Of Spirits Fighting Enemy

Kena: Bridge Of Spirits does not look like Soulslike in any way at face value. Its Disney-esque animation style presents itself in a welcoming and almost innocent manner before players are set against curious corrupted creatures. For those tired of the morbid landscapes and gothic influences of other Soulslikes, this game puts an interesting spin on the world.

By adding in a Pokemon-style companion system and extreme difficulty, Kena: Bridge Of Spirits becomes a truly unique gaming experience. Its hefty amount of boss fights tests the player’s abilities - of which all will be needed - in a game which deserves much more praise than it currently boasts.

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