When Overwatch first launched, it brought huge interest to the hero shooter subgenre of first-person shooters. Fans quickly flocked to the game for its varied cast of heroes and the strategic nature of objectives and matches. Though Overwatch fans likely still have a while to wait for the sequel, they should check out the new shooter Lemnis Gate in the meantime.

For those who don't know, Lemnis Gate is an extremely innovative new FPS game that incorporates elements of turn-based strategy games on top of its hero shooter roots. The game plays out over the course of a series of turns, which see players adding characters to a repeated 25-second time loop as they fight over various objectives. While Lemnis Gate does quite a few things differently from Overwatch, there are still some great reasons for fans to check it out.

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Lemnis Gate Offers Unique Heroes to Learn


Success in Lemnis Gate largely depends on a player's familiarity and skill with its various operatives. Each operative in Lemnis Gate has a very specific kit that plays a certain role within matches. Overwatch fans will likely find a lot to love in Lemnis Gate's operatives, especially with how unique the operatives are from other hero shooters. With operatives like Toxin that focus on covering areas of the map with toxic sludge, there are some new tactics and abilities for players to learn.

However, many of Lemnis Gate's operatives will feel a bit more familiar to Overwatch fans. There is a character that can place multiple turrets, an operative with two machine pistols that can dash forward, and a robot that can place bubble shields to protect teammates and objectives alike. While some of the characters' abilities may be similar to those in Overwatch, the new context of Lemnis Gate's matches pushes players to utilize those abilities in an entirely different way.

Lemnis Gate Focuses on Strategy


Lemnis Gate also puts a heavy emphasis on strategy, with players needing to take advantage of every turn they have. This adds a great layer on top of Lemnis Gate's hero shooter mechanics that sees players having to counter the moves of their opponents while also saving their operatives for future moves as well. Overwatch players will likely find a lot to love in the strategic element of Lemnis Gate, as it is somewhat similar to planning team compositions and figuring out how to approach team fights.

This emphasis on strategy also makes Lemnis Gate a good game for non-FPS fans. A large part of winning matches in Lemnis Gate is outplaying enemies, as a lot of the game's operatives don't ask players to be very accurate - with even operatives like the sniper-wielding Striker slowing down time to line up important headshots. This can appeal to Overwatch players who prefer players that don't require a lot of accurate shooting like Mei or Symmetra. However, Overwatch players who favor heroes that require more practice like Widowmaker or Hanzo can try characters like Kapitan, Striker, and Deathblow, as it takes time to master their skills. In that way, Lemnis Gate is a great option for all types of Overwatch fans who are looking for a new FPS to check out.

Lemnis Gate is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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