The newest addition to the series, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, brings back the same fun memories of the older games with some fun new mechanics. This family-friendly couch co-op game now offers an open-world feature that allows players to explore different planets that have been in each of the mainline Star Wars movies.

Gamers can now take on different side quests and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga challenges that add extra fun to the world-building aspect of the game. One side quest in the game is called "Ma Klounkee Most Foul," which involves players asking witnesses around Mos Eisley about who shot first between Greedo and Han.

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Unfortunately, some witnesses are harder to find than others. Luckily, fans will be rewarded for their troubles by getting to play as Greedo and add a powerful bounty hunter to their team. So for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga looking to quickly finish this mission, here is where to find all six witnesses.

R2-D2 and jawas in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Witness 1

The first witness can be found inside the Chalumn's Cantina. It will be a blue alien hanging out by the entrance with a checkmark bubble over their head.

Witness 2

The second witness is also going to be within Chalumn's Cantina. It will be one of the bartender's working behind the main table. Run up and speak to the one with a similar checkmark over their head.

Witness 3

The third witness can be found outside of the cantina. There should be a little terrace area with wooden tables and red drapes. The witness will be a three-eyed alien with another checkmark over their head. It is important that gamers talk to all of the witnesses as C3P0 for it to work.

Witness 4

The fourth witness is a human woman that is standing on top of one of the dessert buildings in the Civilian Quarters. To get up there, players will need to use the force of Obi-wan Kenobi to create a stairway with the nearby lego black and white blocks. The blocks have been stacked on top of each other, so players need to jump over all of them and talk to the witness.

Witness 5

The fifth witness can be found nearby the Cantina again, this time behind one of the doorways near the storm troopers that assigned this quest. Before giving players information, they are going to request that gamers bring them their date.

Luckily, she isn't too far away. There is another blue female alien standing next to white machine to the right of the doorway. There should be a prompt to use Jedi Mind tricks on her to get her to open the door so C3P0 can talk to the alien inside.

Witness 6

The last witness can be found by heading left facing away from the last witness's doorway. Players should eventually find a mysterious hooded figure with another blue exclamation mark. This witness will run away, so chase them through the city and hit them a couple of times along the way without killing them. Eventually, they will get tired and tell players their information.

Once all witnesses are found, go back to the original three stormtroopers to complete this Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga quest.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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