LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga continues the tradition of the LEGO Star Wars universe by providing smooth gameplay, fun challenges, and an expansive cast of characters. The Skywalker Saga takes things a step further, however, by introducing dozens of unique character interactions based on the events of the Star Wars movies, and some fans have taken to showcasing the playable cast in inventive ways. One of these cast showcases has come in the form of a picture highlighting three unique Force-users from the Star Wars universe.

There are hundreds of characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, and so there are plenty of ways to play the game. Indeed, The Skywalker Saga's unique dialogue and roster of characters make it much more complex than its peers. This much variety has allowed fans to recreate fun parts of the Star Wars films or combine characters who never met in the movies. Three of these characters have recently been united, all of whom are from the same species but who come from different Star Wars timelines.

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Reddit user Ellmjones97 posted a photo of Yoda, Grogu, and Yaddle together in the on planet of Tatooine. These three Force-sensitive characters were never able to meet in the movies (Yaddle was killed and Yoda was in hiding by the time Grogu was found by The Mandalorian), so it's awesome for fans to have the opportunity to see them together. This odd combo joins many other fascinating character interactions in The Skywalker Saga, including AFK animations that foreshadow the LEGO Star Wars story. Although Yaddle didn't have a huge part in Star Wars, it is still fun to see players getting creative and showing their passion for the new title.

While The Skywalker Saga includes level and minikit challenges as well as an eventful story, players can quickly reach a point where the most entertaining part of the title is exploring new locations and characters. For that reason, it's unsurprising that fans have taken to expressing their love of the Star Wars universe by unlocking (and brining together) characters that don't normally collide. Indeed, by adding content from The Mandalorian, The Skywalker Saga encompasses nearly all the stories that Star Wars has to offer.

With so many characters and different activities, stories, and challenges, the newest LEGO Star Wars title gives players plenty to do, though the game is more than it seems. The Skywalker Saga's Easter eggs, maps, and characters have allowed players to shape the title in their own unique ways, a quality of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga that certainly sets it apart from its franchise companions.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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