After months of waiting, LEGO Star Wars fans are finally able to play LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. As the newest installment in the franchise, the game allows players to play through all nine mainline movies in the Star Wars franchise. From The Phantom Menace through to TheRise of Skywalker, fans now have the opportunity to relive many of the iconic moments from the saga and play as some of their favorite characters in the process.

In addition to the game containing a wealth of characters from the episodic movies, there are also some special guests. Specifically, players can play as the Mandalorian from the Disney Plus show of the same name. Recently, one gamer made an unusual discovery while playing as this famous bounty hunter from a galaxy far, far away.

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In a recent video, a YouTuber known as Bombastic showed off an interesting glitch in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. According to the YouTuber, they had learned that the Mandalorian could be duplicated multiple times. They revealed that in order to replicate the bounty hunter, they had to go to the in-game character menu and select Grogu. They then could swap the character out for the Mandalorian. This caused there to be two copies of the bounty hunter on the screen at the same time. Impressively, the YouTuber revealed that players could continue to swap out Grogu to make more clones of the Mandalorian.

Not content with adding only a couple of bounty hunters to the game, Bombastic determined to see exactly how many duplicates they could add. Impressively, they discovered that they could have 31 Mandalorians in the game at once. It is worth mentioning that Bombastic believed that players could replicate any character in the game by swapping Grogu out with them. However, the YouTuber only tried it with the Mandalorian in this video.

Since showing this army of Mandalorians on YouTube, many gamers have commented on the bug. With over 240,000 views, many found the glitch to be very amusing. “Your clones are very impressive you must be very proud,” Mat__rix joked. In addition, some were excited to make an army of Mandalorians for themselves. Among the comments, the consensus was that the developers at Traveller’s Tales should leave the glitch in the game.

While this bug that floods LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga with Mandalorians is doubtlessly amusing, gamers have discovered several other odd bugs. For example, one player learned that they could take flight by repeatedly attacking Young Anakin. It will be interesting to see what players do next in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. If this Mandalorian glitch is any indication, gamers will likely make even more odd discoveries in the game in the coming days.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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