The LEGO franchise has been moving steadily along for more than fifteen years now, and at the center of much of that success has been its adaptations of the Star Wars franchise. The LEGO Star Wars series has been a mainstay of the industry thanks to its family-friendly gameplay and trademark wit, and that long history will soon be celebrated with the impending release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Although fans have had to endure numerous delays, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga looks to be the culmination of everything there is to love from the charming franchise.

The Skywalker Saga truly plans to give LEGO Star Wars fans an experience they've never had before, with brand new gameplay mechanics and missions based on every core film in the Star Wars franchise. It can almost seem like this will be the one LEGO Star Wars game to end all LEGO Star Wars games, because where could the series possibly go from here? Fortunately, the answer to LEGO Star Wars' continuation could be found in the Star Wars franchise itself, and the direction that Disney has been taking with it. If developer TT Games is going to keep the iconic series alive, its most obvious source of inspiration would be in the current and upcoming Disney Plus productions.

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The Success Of Star Wars On Disney Plus

the mandalorian game

To say that Star Wars has found a good home on Disney Plus would be an understatement. When the streaming service first launched, much of its initial popularity was spurred by the tremendous reception to The Mandalorian, and the show quickly became the face of the Star Wars franchise. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has confirmed that it will be acknowledging the series with Mandalorian DLC, but there's just as much room to give the show the full LEGO treatment. And with how many more Star Wars shows are coming in the future, it only adds more room for expansion.

The Many Upcoming Star Wars Shows That LEGO Star Wars Can Adapt

Lego Star Wars Mandalorian

After the rabid success of The Mandalorian, it made sense for Disney to take a page out of its Marvel book and put a handful of different projects into development. Many of these projects have one common goal, taking one character and expanding on their story and the world around them in meaningful ways. The Bookof Boba Fett plans to be the first major live-action series to take the reins after The Mandalorian's second season, and shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka also look like they could bring a great amount of depth to characters that are already widely beloved.

This lineup of shows is exactly where LEGO Star Wars can come in to create a game that collects all of them into one brick-shaped package. With many of these shows set to come out in the next year or two, developer TT Games could put all of them together in a way that wouldn't be too dissimilar to The Skywalker Saga's structure. Just as players can go through films in whatever order they'd like, they could play through The Mandalorian or Ahsoka in whatever way they prefer. And if some shows get multiple seasons after the release of such a game, there would be an opportunity for DLC to expand the experience alongside them.

Based on all of the information that has been released for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga so far, it's clear that TT Games cares a lot about the property. The developer has created a whole new engine and reworked many of its core mechanics to deliver a unique LEGO experience, and there's no reason that innovation has to stop with The Skywalker Saga. While it is premature to guess what will happen next with the LEGO franchise as a whole, there's no doubt that LEGO Star Wars still has a lot of room to grow after The Skywalker Saga.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga releases Spring 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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