First airing in October 2014, Star Wars: Rebels is another animated Star Wars series directed by Dave Filoni, much like The Clone Wars. This series begins 10 years after Order 66 and the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, and it follows a group of ragtag rebels named Phoenix Squadron. With two Jedis in tow, a Twi'lek pilot and general, a Mandalorian, a Lasat honor guard, and a sassy murderous droid, Star Wars: Rebels has some of the most compelling characters in the whole saga, and it's a cast of characters that would be perfectly suited to a LEGO game.

There have been absolutely no video game adaptations of Star Wars: Rebels so far, and that's a real shame. Though it is primarily a kid's show, Star Wars: Rebels doesn't feel any less than the movies, or series like The Clone Wars, most of which have had video game adaptations in some form. Star Wars: Rebels actually has some pretty excellent action set pieces, some of which would make for some great LEGO game levels.

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It's The Perfect Time for a LEGO Star Wars: Rebels Game

Lego Star Wars Ahsoka

The general outline of Star Wars: Rebels would fit a LEGO game pretty perfectly. With past LEGO Star Wars games, each episode is broken up into about 4-5 missions, and the same thing can be done here for all four seasons of Star Wars: Rebels. The first set of missions could cover the first season, where players are introduced to the core cast of characters as they venture across the galaxy completing small missions, and eventually defeat the Grand Inquisitor.

The second set of missions would follow Phoenix Squadron as they try to free Lothal, ending with the climactic battle against Maul, Darth Vader, and Ahsoka on Malachor. The Third set would see the group go up against Thrawn for the first time. And the fourth set of missions would cover Star Wars: Rebels' last season, which would take players all the way up to the destruction of the second Death Star.

A Star Wars: Rebels LEGO game wouldn't need to be quite as big as the recent Skywalker Saga either, and could mark a return to the smaller-scale LEGO games fans were used to before. Alternatively, these missions could act as a large expansion for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, adding around 24 missions to the base game, along with a handful of new hub worlds to explore such as Lothal and Malachor, each filled with a ton of collectibles like new characters and Kyber Bricks.

While Star Wars: Rebels wrapped up all the way back in 2018, and fan hype has long since evaporated, now might actually be the perfect time for a LEGO Star Wars: Rebels game. The Star Wars: Ahsoka show is rumored to make its debut at the end of 2023, and with Ahsoka playing a large role in Rebels, it would be great for fans to relive her past adventures in a new medium, and introduce this chapter in her life to new fans. On top of that, the Ahsoka Disney+ show is also set to introduce live-action versions of both Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger, two of the main characters from Star Wars: Rebels. The plot of the Ahsoka show is also rumored to tie in directly with the events of Rebels, with Ahsoka on the hunt for Thrawn, and Sabine on the lookout for the long-lost Ezra, who both went through a wormhole in space the last time fans saw them. A Star Wars: Rebels LEGO game would be the perfect introduction of these characters for new fans.

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