Star Wars is among the most expansive fictional universes of all time. With an entire galaxy of aliens, droids, monsters, and spirits, the pantheon of characters is practically limitless. Indeed, fans have loved (and hated) countless extraterrestrial citizens across the movies, books, TV shows, and games.

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The LEGO Star Wars titles, in particular, have shown a tendency toward the obscure. In these puzzle-solving platformers, players can control practically anything from the greatest Jedi to the lowliest mouse droid. With The Skywalker Saga coming next year, this is another golden opportunity to shine a light on the series' less appreciated hives of scum and villainy.

10 Kyle Katarn

Kyle Katarn in Star Wars

What better place to start than with a game character? Kyle Katarn became a cult star of the franchise through the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight titles. He's taken many forms over many titles.

Though he began as a merc and guerilla fighter for the Rebel Alliance, Katarn gradually showed his affinity for the Force. This led him to train as a Jedi, essentially giving him the best of both worlds. He's got the outlaw coolness of Han Solo and the mystical wisdom of Luke Skywalker, making him a dream hero for any fan of the original trilogy back in the day. Icons like that don't deserve to be forgotten.

9 Durge

Durge in Star Wars: Clone Wars

Originating in Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars, this metallic menace never made it into the new canon like Asajj Ventress, which is a real shame. He may not have had much character, but he more than made up for it with his abilities.

Beneath his armor and gadgets, Durge is actually a slimy tentacle monster. He can stretch his body to mind-bending degrees, and he's seemingly impervious to all conventional attacks. These moves could lend themselves well to the platforming standard in any LEGO game. Not to mention, his long reach would harken back to the symbiote characters in the LEGO Marvel Superheroes entries.

8 Starkiller

Starkiller in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Before Ahsoka Tano, Darth Vader's favored apprentice was "Starkiller," a mysterious boy with uncannily strong abilities. Throughout The Force Unleashed, the Sith Lord trains his secret student to hunt down lingering Jedi and root out rebels.

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In the process, Starkiller becomes one of the most powerful Force users. Not only can he distingrate Stormtroopers with his blasts, but he can bring down Star Destroyers at will. This prevented him from breaking into the new canon, as he's simply too overpowered. Thankfully, LEGO figures play by different rules. The Skywalker Saga should include Skywalker's darker apprentice, especially since The Force Unleashed II ended on a cliffhanger.

7 Hondo Ohnaka

Hondo in Star Wars: The Clone Wars

A pirate during The Clone Wars, Hondo managed to walk away from countless encounters that should have killed him. He accomplished this through his slick salesmanship and (relatively) loyal crew. No matter how many scrapes he had with the Jedi, Sith, Separatists, or Republic, Hondo charmed his way out. He's like a cockroach: he never dies however many times he gets squashed.

This makes him perfect as a LEGO figure. The characters in these games never truly die when their health goes down. They simply fall to pieces before reappearing a few seconds later, and the worst thing that happens is that they lose some of the studs they've collected. This undying quality fits Hondo to a tee, though he'd likely lament the loss of his money more than most.

6 Darth Revan

Darth Revan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Once a Knight of the Old Republic, Revan led his fellow Jedi to war and subsequently fell to the Dark Side. In the process, however, he saved the Republic from the invading Mandalorians. It's not too often that something good comes from a Sith in this series.

Not only would Revan's inclusion be a cheeky middle finger to these armored mooks, but it would also pay homage to one of the greatest twists in the whole saga. The moment when Revan's mask comes off is easily comparable to "I am your father." Anyone responsible for a reveal of that magnitude deserves a spot in the Star Wars mainstream.

5 Mara Jade

Mara Jade in Star Wars

This assassin was once contracted to kill Luke Skywalker. While this soon turned into a personal obsession, Luke was able to show Mara the light. Their relationship eventually blossomed into romance, giving Skywalker happiness beyond the life of a Jedi.

On top of being a formidable fighter and imposing presence, Mara gets closer to Luke than most other Star Wars characters. Anyone who has such a profound impact on the iconic hero should have a place within the Skywalker saga.

4 Kreia

Kreia/Darth Traya in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Though she initially appears to be another mentor figure, this enigmatic puppet master shatters the Star Wars standard of morality. Be it the Dark Side or the Light, neither camp defines her. She's whatever she needs to be to accomplish her goals.

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Such nonconformity would translate naturally to gameplay, giving Kreia access to both Jedi and Sith abilities. More importantly, though, it makes her utterly unique among a whole galaxy of Force users. That can't be said about many Star Wars characters.


Proxy in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

This droid appears to be one of a kind. Programmed with advanced holographic tech and various combat sims, he can imitate several prominent Jedi and their fighting styles. These exist to train his master, Starkiller, whom he is programmed to kill. He repeatedly fails, but it's hard to stay mad at him when he apologizes for this failure. It's the same gallows humor that fueled K-2SO in Rogue One, but PROXY is infinitely more endearing.

A jack-of-all-trades character like this might make an enticing incentive to unlock secrets. After switching between several characters to solve puzzles and tackle battles, it'd be refreshing to control someone who can accomplish anything. Alternatively, the developers could use PROXY as an in-game explanation for swapping characters on the fly.

2 Ackmena

Ackmena in the Star Wars Holiday Special

As much as George Lucas and everyone involved would like to pretend otherwise, the Star Wars Holiday Special happened and is a permanent part of the series' legacy. What better venue to poke fun at this notorious blemish than the LEGO games?

Ackmena, the friendly bar owner, was one of the few bright spots in a sea of annoyance. Amidst the grating Wookiee sitcom antics and bad sketches, Bea Arthur played it completely straight and was infectiously charming as a result. Her mere inclusion would be a tongue-in-cheek reminder of how low Star Wars can go, without bringing any lingering hostility to the surface.

1 Dexter Jettster

Dexter Jettster in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

With a name like that, it's no surprise that this guy runs a '50s-style diner in a futuristic galaxy. Dex appears in Attack of the Clones as an old friend of Obi-Wan. Everything about him, from his greasy looks to his slyly jolly attitude, just oozes personality, and he leaves a lasting impression well beyond his single scene.

Not only would Dex be a fun inclusion on his own, but it would also harken back to the series' roots. The developer's first LEGO Star Wars game featured Dex's diner as its main hub. Longtime fans would appreciate the tip of the hat, and it would further cement how far the franchise has come since then.

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