
  • After the success of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, LEGO has the freedom to explore new opportunities and may consider releasing a range of smaller-scale LEGO games in between large-scale titles.
  • The Mandalorian would be a perfect choice for the next LEGO Star Wars game due to its immense popularity and upcoming live-action movie. There is plenty of material to draw inspiration from, including characters, action set-pieces, and iconic moments from the show's three seasons.
  • In addition to the main show, a LEGO Mandalorian game could also incorporate other Mandalorian characters such as Boba Fett, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Sabine Wren, providing a recap of their stories and appearances in the Star Wars franchise.

After the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, LEGO essentially has free rein over where it wants to go next. While the huge scale of The Skywalker Saga was a defining factor in that game's success, it was also the source of major setbacks for the game, causing a fairly lengthy development period. So while LEGO may want to get another large-scale licensed game out there right away, it might be an idea to space those releases out a bit, and maybe deliver a range of smaller-scale LEGO video games in between.

If LEGO went with this smaller-scale approach, then The Mandalorian would be an obvious choice for the next LEGO Star Wars title. While its last season may have been a tad disappointing, The Mandalorian is still one of the most popular Star Wars projects out there right now, and its upcoming live-action movie would offer the perfect opportunity for a tie-in LEGO game. That being said, a LEGO Mandalorian game already has plenty of material to draw inspiration from, and that includes content outside of the titular show.

Why LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga's Third-Person Shooting May Be More Important Than It Seemed

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga's third-person shooting gameplay wasn't revolutionary, but it could be much more important than fans might think.

A LEGO Mandalorian Game Would Have Plenty of Content to Draw From

A LEGO Mandalorian Game Has Three Seasons to Adapt

Debuting all the way back in November 2019, The Mandalorian has had a total of three seasons so far, all of which center around the titular helmeted protagonist Din Djarin as he tried to make his way across the galaxy with his little Force-sensitive adopted child, Grogu. Along the way, Mando and Grogu come across many different threats, from Moff Gideon and the rest of his Imperial Remnant forces, to fellow bounty hunters, to pirates. But Mando and Grogu also meet their fair share of allies during their journey, including Greef Karga, Ahsoka Tano, and even Luke Skywalker himself.

With three pretty bulky seasons already under its belt, there's more than content there for a LEGO Mandalorian game to adapt. As just mentioned, The Mandalorian is home to a ton of side characters, most of which would be perfectly suited for a LEGO game. The Mandalorian also has plenty of action set-pieces that could be adapted for a LEGO game, ranging from the standoff against Moff Gideon on Nevarro in Season 1 to the battle on Gideon's Star Destroyer in Season 2, to the final battle against Gideon beneath the surface of Mandalore in Season 3.

A LEGO Mandalorian Game Has Far More Than Just the One Show to Pull From

But a LEGO Mandalorian game has more than just the one show to draw inspiration from. While Din Djarin and Grogu's adventures would obviously take up the bulk of a LEGO Mandalorian game, it should also focus on a handful of the franchise's other biggest Mandalorians, giving each one at least a handful of missions that act as a sort of recap for the character.

Boba Fett would be an obvious inclusion here, with a handful of missions depicting the character's journey from Attack of the Clones, to The Clone Wars, to Empire Strikes Back, all the way up to The Book of Boba Fett. Bo-Katan Kryze is another Mandalorian worthy of a few missions, with hers mostly covering her story in the animated Clone Wars show. Then, finally, it would be great to see Sabine Wren get her chance to shine in a LEGO Mandalorian game, with a few missions based around her most pivotal Star Wars Rebels moments, and her appearances in Ahsoka.