With Disney's acquisition of Star Wars in 2012, fans of the galaxy far, far away have gotten a plethora of all-new stories in the IP. From Andor on TV screens to Rogue One in theaters, and even original games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the franchise is far more than the trilogy of the 70s and 80s. Its potential is endless, and Disney seems all-too-willing to keep commissioning new projects. However, authenticity is important in Star Wars, and some projects have showed the negative impact that a poor product can have on the series' legacy. LEGO Star Wars was one of the few that captured Star Wars' best side with plenty of gaming adaptations that were nearly universally well received.

From Indiana Jones to DC Super Villains, the LEGO games all use a similar model that prioritizes cooperative problem-solving, amusing destroy-and-rebuild level design, and a story that inserts comedic moments to make each game more than just a faithful adaptation. The franchises it has taken on are huge, often with fan bases far eclipsing that of Traveller's Tales games. Among the best LEGO games, however, was LEGO City Undercover, an all-new adventure that wasn't bound by the restrictions of a story already told. Between this and Traveller's Tales' ability to craft a great Star Wars game, maybe now is the time that the developer contributed to the franchise with something new rather than adapting what is old.

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LEGO and Star Wars Go Together Like C3-PO and R2-D2

lego star wars skywalker saga leah talking to r2-d2

LEGO has always leaned on Star Wars, releasing countless games over the years that re-chronicle the exploits of Darth Vader, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Rey. These have been great, and offer a light-hearted alternative way to experience the saga. What has been made by film studios, TV companies, and game developers is only a piece of Star Wars' potential, and side stories like The Mandalorian, Andor, and Jedi: Fallen Order do well to flesh out the Star Wars galaxy. These outings have showed that the franchise can see new additions that vary in storytelling and tone, so it's not a leap to believe that a more humor-filled Star Wars story could happen.

This is where Traveller's Tales' LEGO titles have always flourished. LEGO games always seem to execute comedic timing with relative ease. Even in LEGO City Undercover the developer showed that it can balance funny moments with a story that keeps the player interested throughout. At this point Traveller's Tales has proved that it is capable of crafting a Star Wars story that is fit for all ages and that could stand alongside The Clone Wars, Rebels, and the sequel trilogy while offering something new and family-friendly.

Disney is Eager to Expand Star Wars' Horizons

Star Wars Andor Rogue One poster

Star Wars began on the screen as a trilogy of films, but since then it has grown exponentially. Disney's acquisition of the license has provoked a plethora of side stories, prequels and sequels, and there is no reason to think that this will stop any time soon. Star Wars is about far more than Sith and Jedi in 2023, as some of the best characters are bounty hunters, former villains, or all-around scoundrels. It's a seemingly endless franchise that can house many stories, and given how LEGOStar Wars games are rarely anything less than solid, Traveller's Tales has earned the right to more freedom with the IP.

LEGO City Undercover is a fantastic game, but more importantly, it proves that the developer is capable of more than just reworking existing stories. Star Wars' resume is far from unblemished, so should a new story set in its universe be poor, it isn't a huge issue. If it's handled well, which is more likely given Traveller's Tales' track record, then it could provoke more opportunities for innovative, universally-enjoyable, and fruitful new stories that adopt a familiar and beloved style of game.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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