
  • LEGO should focus on creating a standalone X-Men game to showcase the rich cast of mutants.
  • X-Men are timely to spotlight, and their themes of society's outcasts are relatable, making it the right superhero team for LEGO to capitalize on.
  • A LEGO X-Men game can coexist with Insomniac's Wolverine game, both bringing a unique take on X-Men characters.

LEGO has explored several IPs ranging from Harry Potter to Marvel with LEGO Marvel Superheroes and its sequel. This shouldn't be the end of the line when it comes to LEGO and its depiction of X-Men, a core part of the Marvel brand that still has room to grow in gaming.

There are still X-Men that haven't been depicted and several storylines that could be explored to create a great LEGO game. Rather than be drawn away from the IP due to Insomniac's upcoming Wolverine game, it should use the momentum the IP receives to bring attention to its own game.

How To Read The Comic Stories Behind X-Men: The Animated Series

X-Men: The Animated Series combined original stories with these classic comic book story arcs.

There's Nothing Wrong With Revisiting the X-Men Through LEGO

LEGO has depicted the X-Men before, but they never had center stage, as they were part of the large cast of LEGO Marvel Superheroes and its sequel. The game includes over 50 characters, including X-Men such as Wolverine, Professor X, and Storm.

It would be a great idea for LEGO to have another go with Marvel superheroes, but this time just focus on X-Men alone. The IP has a cast more than large enough for an entire game, and several characters didn't get a chance to appear in the original LEGO Marvel Superheroes.

Why Should LEGO Pick the X-Men?

X-Men has always been one of the more interesting Marvel IPs, as it explores the lives of society's outcasts. In this way, many people who do not fit the mold of what society deems normal have related to and identified with the X-Men. This in turn means the X-Men have a loyal fanbase who deserve more gaming experiences with these heroes; LEGO is just one great venue for that.

There's Never Been a Better Time for LEGO X-Men

Storm X-Men 97

Marvel has always been popular, but it has been experiencing something of a renaissance in recent years. This is in part thanks to the numerous MCU films released, as well as the video games. With a Wolverine game coming from Insomniac, and the new X-Men '97 show on Disney Plus, all eyes are on X-Men once again, making it the perfect time for LEGO to seize the moment with a new game.

Would a LEGO X-Men Game be Overshadowed by Insomniac's Wolverine Game?

LEGO shouldn't stop itself from revisiting old characters, as it'll always be a blast playing a character as vicious as Wolverine. Alongside classics like him, it can tap into more obscure X-Men, like Jubilee, who produces energy which she calls fireworks from her hands, and deserves far more attention than she currently gets. Furthermore, just because Insomniac has a Wolverine game coming up, it doesn't mean that LEGO can't put its unique take on the character, as it has with all the IPs it's explored.

The gaming world is huge, and there's no need for one studio to fear stepping on the toes of another. An Insomniac Wolverine game can live comfortably alongside a LEGO X-Men game, with both of them forging a unique identity for themselves.