
  • A LEGO Legend of Zelda game could blend the nostalgia of both iconic franchises into a new adventure for fans to enjoy.
  • The rich lore of The Legend of Zelda could provide plenty of material for a LEGO game, including multiple versions of Link and other iconic characters.
  • The silent slapstick comedy of LEGO games could be a perfect fit for the silent protagonist and expressive characters of The Legend of Zelda.

A LEGO spin-off of The Legend of Zelda series could give players a few different flavors of nostalgia to appreciate. Both IPs in question have a lot of history, with The Legend of Zelda being one of the most decorated gaming franchises of all time, while LEGO has a long list of licensed spin-offs. Combining the two for a new adventure could give players the best of both worlds, because each has something to offer, and the two styles could potentially blend well. The end result could be a throwback that fans of both properties could thoroughly enjoy.

Seeing the many timelines of The Legend of Zelda, one can easily realize that it is one of Nintendo's most lore-rich franchises. The games have been following the eternal battle between Link and Ganon for the fate of Hyrule for decades, with them earning places among the most iconic heroes and villains in gaming. It's about on the same level of name recognition as properties like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, both of which LEGO has collaborated with to make video games in the past. Considering that The Legend of Zelda is already a video game series, a crossover between the two may be plausible.

What to Expect From the Legend of Zelda Franchise in 2024

The Legend of Zelda franchise quietly enters 2024, but it's likely to be a major year for the franchise for a couple of reasons.

The Legend of Zelda Plays Into a Classic LEGO Game Trope

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in a LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga cutscene from Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

The Legend of Zelda Has Plenty of Material for a LEGO Game

LEGO games often have large casts, and The Legend of Zelda's multiple versions of Link from across the franchise would be plenty to fill out a roster. That's even before adding other iconic characters like Zelda, Impa, and Ganondorf himself. As for a plot, The Legend of Zelda has so many memorable stories and dungeons to explore that it would be easy to fill out a LEGO spinoff. LEGO games have both retold previous stories as well as created original plots. When it comes to The Legend of Zelda, either approach could prove fruitful as long as the source material is handled with respect.

LEGO Games Thrive on Silent Comedy

A LEGO Legend of Zelda could see great returns by going back to basics for LEGO games. In older LEGO titles, such as the original LEGO Star Wars, there was no dialogue spoken in cutscenes - instead, the story was told through setpieces and silent interactions between characters. Despite the lack of dialogue, the game did a good job of conveying the plot, as well as some good jokes thanks to the game's slapstick and character reactions. It's a formula that worked, and once that can work again. In a LEGO Legend of Zelda title, it could be a perfect fit.

Legend of Zelda's Silent Protagonist is Perfect For LEGO

The LEGO games' silent slapstick is a perfect fit for The Legend of Zelda. One of the most defining features of Legend of Zelda protagonist Link is that he never speaks. While he grunts while swinging his sword or taking damage, he never actually says a word. In addition, his more cartoonish form seen in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was very expressive, which worked for emotional impact as well as comedy. Link can be fun without uttering a word, as can the rest of the Zelda cast, so LEGO Legend of Zelda could be a silent, slapstick throwback of a game.

A LEGO Legend of Zelda could see great returns by going back to basics for LEGO games.

The Legend of Zelda has the potential for a LEGO spinoff, especially if done in the style of LEGO Star Wars' presentation. The Super Mario Bros.LEGO sets are proof that Nintendo is willing to associate their biggest brands with LEGO, so a video game could be the next step. Link is already a silent protagonist, so having a game without dialogue would not be an obstacle for him in terms of showing his character. If Nintendo lets a LEGO Legend of Zelda game happen, it could be a nostalgia trip in the best ways.