
  • LEGO Horizon Adventures will adapt a video game franchise in LEGO style, bringing a unique gameplay experience for fans to explore.
  • Traveller's Tales is not leading the development of this LEGO game, creating skepticism among fans about the changes in gameplay.
  • The success of LEGO Horizon Adventures will determine if other studios can create exciting LEGO games outside of Traveller's Tales.

After weeks of rumors, Sony officially unveiled its own entry into the LEGO canon, LEGO Horizon Adventures. Unlike past games, LEGO Horizon Adventures will be adapting one of the biggest video game franchises right now within the LEGO framework. While it remains to be seen if that blend succeeds, the potential alone is extremely exciting. However, this title may also be facing a bit of an uphill battle as its release date nears.

Not only will LEGO Horizon Adventures be adapting a game rather than a film franchise, but it will also not be headed up by Traveller's Tales. That being said, it will still seemingly maintain that core LEGO gameplay loop that players have come to expect over the years, with a few changes. That means that it will be familiar while also being entirely different, which has made some fans a bit skeptical. And if it is unable to deliver on its premise, then they may have little reason to give it a shot.

After The Skywalker Saga, LEGO Character Creation Deserves a Modern Comeback

The character creator used to be a big highlight of LEGO's past games, and after LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga it needs to return in full force.

LEGO Horizon Adventures Has a Lot to Prove to LEGO Fans

Traveller's Tales is No Longer Leading the Charge

Since the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, Traveller's Tales has mostly been in charge of the LEGO brand within the gaming space. Even though there have been some non-TT Games LEGO titles released, the studio has maintained an exclusive contract for years, which has made it the face of LEGO's gaming scene. And through that, it has brought fans on dozens of LEGO-fied adventures through some of the most iconic franchises, including Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, and DC.

Traveller's Tales LEGO game franchise has become a massive behemoth over the years, but LEGO seems to be changing directions a bit. After the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and allegations of poor working conditions within the studio, LEGO has chosen not to extend its exclusivity agreement. While that does not mean that the studio has to stop making its tried-and-true LEGO games, it does mean that other studios are now able to mess around within that sandbox.

This new direction has resulted in LEGO 2K Drive, LEGO Fortnite, and the rumored LEGO 2K Goooal! - additionally, this is also likely the reason that LEGO Horizon Adventures can exist in the first place. Instead of being led by Traveller's Tales, Guerilla and Studio Gobo are co-developing the game. It remains to be seen if these developers can handle the LEGO formula, but already some fans are a bit skeptical, as this will only be the second major standalone LEGO game made by another studio in over 15 years.

LEGO Horizon's Needs to be Truly Special

Not only is LEGO Horizon Adventures being developed by someone completely different, but it is also taking the formula away from film IPs and putting the focus on a popular PlayStation franchise instead. That makes the entire concept feel extremely unique and different from what came before, which is an exciting albeit risky endeavor. However, the gameplay trailers also seem to look pretty similar to what Traveller’s Tales has been doing forever.

Players will be fighting their way through a LEGO-fied version of Horizon Zero Dawn, which means it will likely operate much like other LEGO titles. Because of that, players will seemingly be collecting LEGO studs, new cosmetics, solving puzzles, building all sorts of LEGO contraptions, and even engaging in some classic couch co-op fun. This sounds like practically everything LEGO fans have come to expect, and it may be hard for the studio to escape those comparisons.

While LEGO 2K Drive may have kicked off this new era, it feels like LEGO Horizon Adventures will be the brand's first real test. The developers have to show LEGO fans that this formula works within the confines of a video game adaptation and that Traveller's Tales is not the only one that can craft exciting couch co-op LEGO experiences. That may sound like an extremely daunting task, and if the studio is not careful, then it could fall flat. But, if it ends up delivering something truly special, then LEGO's gaming future may be a bright one.