Zack Snyder is one of the most well-known filmmakers of this current generation, for better and for worse. Bursting into the industry with style, Snyder's debut movie, the Dawn of the Dead remake, earned him a solid amount of critical and commercial success, which only continued with his next movie 300. Eventually, Snyder would be handed the reigns to the new DC universe, and though none of those films have been critical successes, they have their fans, and they might deserve to have their own LEGO video game adaptation.

The DC Snyderverse has taken fans on a pretty wild ride over the last decade, and not an entirely cohesive one. While Man of Steel started things off in a solid place, Batman v Superman felt like an overly brooding, overly long mess, and the studio's version of Justice League was somehow even worse. But Snyder finally got to produce his version of Justice League in 2021, and though its length is truly absurd, it finally gave a lot of fans exactly what they wanted. With DC under new management, and the Snyderverse seemingly about to be erased, a LEGO game could be just the thing to immortalize the uneven saga.

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The Snyderverse Could Get a LEGO Game Series

Snyder LEGO

The DC universe is about to get a gigantic overhaul. It's no secret that the DC cinematic universe hasn't been entirely successful over the last decade or so. Though the Snyderverse certainly has its fans, the majority of critics and audiences weren't too hot on it. While releases like Shazam and James Gunn's The Suicide Squad were received more warmly, they still haven't been quite as successful as the DC higher-ups were hoping for, and it's time for a change.

Back in October 2022, it was announced that James Gunn and Peter Safran were going to take over both the film and TV divisions of DC. For a few weeks, fans were unsure of what this meant for the future of the franchise, what it meant for the current slate of DC movies yet to be released, and what it meant for the Snyderverse as a whole. In the following months, project after project has been gradually canceled over at DC, and actors like Henry Cavill have been told they won't be returning. It seems as though Gunn and Safran are wiping the slate clean, getting ready to start their own new DC cinematic universe.

This is very likely the final nail in the Snyderverse's coffin, but that doesn't mean the series should just be forgotten about. With three big movies at its core, the Synderverse is actually perfect for a LEGO video game adaptation.Though there probably isn't quite enough content to fill out a game the same size as LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, there's more than enough there for a standard LEGO tie-in title, with even just Zack Snyder's Justice League having enough content on its own for a multi-hour LEGO game.

This hypothetical Snyderverse LEGO game has plenty of action set pieces to draw from for its missions. In Man of Steel there's the entire opening escape sequence on Krypton, the large-scale fight in Smallville, and the final action scene between Zod and Superman. In Batman v Superman, there are a ton of moments that could be adapted into engaging LEGO levels, from Bruce Wayne's dash through a crumbling Metropolis to the climactic showdown between the titular heroes. Zack Snyder's Justice League also lends itself fairly well to the traditional LEGO formula, though a good chunk of it would likely have to be cut for brevity. The Snyderverse is all but finished, but it's not too late for it to be immortalized in video game format, and LEGO could be the company to do it.

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