A major part of Lego Fortnite is building your village, and this requires players to find and gather tons of resources. While exploring the map, players will find certain areas that may be worth returning to as they contain resources, or they might be the optimal location for a second base, and many other reasons, and that's why map markers can come in so handy.

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Learn how to beat hunger by planting seeds in LEGO Fortnite.

This guide will show players how they can unlock and build map markers in Lego Fortnite, so that they can easily return to a certain location on the map without getting lost or losing track of it entirely.

How to Unlock Map Markers

building a village square in fortnite lego

Before players can place down map markers in Lego Fortnite, they'll have to unlock the Map Marker recipe. In order to do so, they must create their first village. Gamers can create a village by building a Village Square with 10 Wood and 10 Granite. This item will outline the village's area and add it to the map.

Players will learn the Map Marker recipe as soon as they've placed down a Village Square in Lego Fortnite.

How to Create Map Markers

placing down a map marker next to rocks lego fortnite

In order to place markers on the map in Lego Fortnite, players will actually have to build map markers in Build Mode. To do this, they must open the Build Menu and select the Map Marker item in the Village section of the Utility tab. Even though the map marker is categorized as a village item, it can be placed anywhere on the map, not just within the premises of the village.

To build a map marker in Lego Fortnite, players need 2 Granite, and since it's built through the Build menu, they don't have to be near a Crafting Bench to build it.

Once gamers have placed their map marker, they will have to choose its icon and color; this makes it easier for them to identify what they've marked when they take a look at the map later on. Map markers are a great way to identify villages, resources, wild animals, chest spawns, and food sources.


July 25, 2017
Epic Games
Survival , Battle Royale