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Shells are an incredibly important resource to pick up in Lego Fortnite. You'll need this item to upgrade your bench, create health charms to increase your health, and much more. Needless to say, you'll definitely want to have a lot of shells in your backpack.

Unfortunately, shells are not the easiest thing to get in the game. This item specifically comes from Rollers, an uncommon enemy that hides itself in the ground and blends in with nearby rocks and debris. You'll need to know what specifically to look out for and how you can go about defeating this elusive enemy.

LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Wolf Claws

Going toe-to-toe with wolves in LEGO Fortnite is easier than it sounds.

Where to Find Shells in Lego Fortnite

Image of a character approaching a Roller hiding in the ground in Lego Fortnite

Every world in Lego Fortnite is completely different, so there is no specific location where you can find Rollers to get some shells. You'll usually find them in the Grasslands areas, and they look a lot like the small rocks found in the game. However, the difference is that they will have a little leaf on top of them, making it easier to tell them apart. Their structure will also be more round, as opposed to the rocks that are lumpy.

Make sure to traverse all the way through the Grasslands area, as Rollers can take some time to locate, and each one only drops 1 shell. Be prepared with some weapons just in case you come across any wolves or enemies, and keep track of where your village is located to return safely.

Though not entirely certain, it seems that Rollers often appear on inclines or on top of hills, so check these locations first.

Fortnite: True Explorers Quest Pack Guide

Players who complete the True Explorers Quests in Fortnite will receive the Trailblazer Tai skin for free - here's how it works.

How to Beat Rollers in Lego Fortnite

Image of a character approaching a Roller in Lego Fortnite

Once you've found yourself a Roller, you're going to need to defeat it to get some shells. They are a particularly powerful enemy despite their small size. You'll want to come prepared with a sword and possibly a shield, which you can create at your crafting bench using materials you've gathered.

With a sword in hand, here's how you can quickly defeat a Roller:

  • Start by equipping yourself with at least a sword and a shield if needed.
  • Once you approach the Roller, it will pop out of the ground. It will then most likely start to spin, which means it is charging up to attack you.
  • When the Roller comes at you, you can either jump or dodge. Then, when it's getting back up, this is your chance to attack. If you have a shortsword, it will most likely take around 8 hits to defeat it. Afterward, it will then drop 1 shell.

July 25, 2017
Epic Games
Survival , Battle Royale
Online Multiplayer