In LEGO Fortnite, you can explore a vast world that sometimes offers surprises, such as treasures and supply drops, but if you're lucky, you'll come across a Loot Llama. If you are having problems with locating one, this guide provides information on how they can be found.

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Loot Llamas are very rare in LEGO Fortnite, and you'll need to be lucky to get the chance to see one. If you do manage to find one, you usually expect to acquire some useful items and resources.

How To Find Loot Llamas In LEGO Fortnite

Lego Fortnite: characters are traveling around the world

To find a Loot Llama, you have to be alert and keep an eye out for fireflies, which are also not very common. There is no definitive method for finding Firefly Fairies because they appear randomly during your travels. One day, you might meet one, and it might guide you to Loot Llama.

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How To Get Items From Loot Llamas In LEGO Fortnite

Lego Fortnite: Loot Llama

If you're lucky, and a Firefly Fairy guides you straight to a Loot Llama, don't just stand there because it'll disappear quickly. Also, do not hit it, as this will only speed up its escape. Approach the Loot Llama and select the 'Pet' option, which will cause it to get excited and explode. After it explodes, it will drop a collection of items for you to pick up.

How To Follow Firefly Fairies In LEGO Fortnite

Lego Fortnite: cave

Firefly Fairies appear randomly to lead the player to something valuable, such as treasure, a cave, or, if you're lucky, a Llama. Whenever you hear a magical sound and see a firefly, you should put aside what you're doing and follow it. Sometimes the fairy goes high up on a mountain, but it will wait for you to catch up. If you spend too much time getting resources or fighting, the fairy will disappear.

You shouldn't try to catch one because they are very fast and will run away from you as soon as you get close. You also don't need to catch Firefly Fairies because their only mission is to lead you to something valuable. In conclusion, you should always follow fireflies because they are likely to lead you to something valuable.


July 25, 2017
Epic Games
Survival , Battle Royale
Online Multiplayer