Riot Games is branching out into several different areas at the moment, with a new IP in the form of Valorant and new forays into familiar territory. One of these is the new card game Legends of Runeterra, which takes place in the same fictional world as League of Legends. The recently released Legends of Runeterra is currently trying to set itself apart in a market already saturated with digital card games.

On the surface, Legends of Runeterra plays similar to games like Hearthstone or Shadowverse, with mana spent to play cards that attack an opponent. Where it differs is in its timing and blocking mechanics, which give Legends of Runeterra players more control.

RELATED: Legends of Runeterra Fan Discovers Hidden Meme Deck

Of course there are problems in the game that need to be addressed, which is what Riot is doing with Update 1.2. Unlike the hotfix given to Legends earlier this month, Update 1.2 aims mostly at game balance rather than bug fixing. Vladimir, a Champion (the rarest type of card), will now be draining health from the enemy Nexus instead of damaging it.

On the flip side, powerful staples like Loyal Badgerbear and Grizzled Ranger are each losing an attack point. Beyond that, there are a lot more 1 point changes. Karma is having her cost raised by 1, Vi is having her health lowered by 1, and Shen and Hecarim are both having their attack raised 1.

legends of runeterra tf official art

With freshly balanced cards and no crazy expansions yet, now is the perfect time to grab a starter guide and try Legends of Runeterra out.

Legends of Runeterra is available for PC and mobile devices.

MORE: League of Legends Dev Video Explores Tales of Runeterra Past

Source: Comicbook