The Path of Champions Mode in Riot Game's Legends of Runeterra underwent a massive overhaul in late May 2022 as part of the Worldwaker Update. This PvE mode's core foundation is mostly the same, but the way people play and unlock different Champions is completely different.

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Now, each Champion has different "Star Levels" (similar to a mechanic in Riot's Teamfight Tactics game), that unlock or upgrade new "Star Powers" for that Champion. All of the playable Champs in this Legends of Runeterra Lab Mode has the potential to be absurdly overpowered, but it's still possible to rank these Champs based on how easy it is to get them to this "overpowered" state. So, since this game, as well as a few others, are now a part of the Xbox Game Pass, it seems like an apt time to take a deeper look at them.

Updated November 4th, 2022 by Jacob Buchalter: Since this list was first published, Legends of Runeterra has added 17 new playable Champions into the Path of Champions Lab Mode along with a variety of other fixes, updates, and optimizations that make the game run even better. These were added through multiple content updates such as the Forces from Beyond, Awakening, and Domination events. Sometimes, new Champions were added on a whim are weren't even part of some "event".

Additionally, a few Champions were fine-tuned in their Starting Decks and Star Powers. So, with that in mind, let's take another look through the overall best Champions to play in the PoC and rank them once again, taking all these new cards, regions, and "metas" in consideration.

15 Bard

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Bard Champion Card Splash Art

Bard is one of the few playable characters in many player's Path of Champions tier lists that has an unavoidably high Mana Curve alongside characters like Ornn, Darius, and Tahm Kench. His playstyle revolves around his living "Chimes" (Targon Celestial lore can get really confusing) that buff cards in hand when drawn (or on the field if Bard is in-play and at Level 2).

So, it's less about throwing cards out there to get the enemy to 0 HP as fast as possible, and more about keeping the enemy in check while drawing Chimes to build up 2 and 3-Cost Units with crazy high stats. The only problem with this strategy is that most opponents in PoC scale out of control pretty quickly, so it's very difficult to actually "hold them back" while setting this Chime strategy up. But, with the right Passive Power starters such as Sharing is Caring or Trifarian Might, Bard can get things done much easier.

14 Tahm Kench

Legends Of Runeterra - Tahm Kench Level 2 Card Art Full View

Tahm Kench is another deceptively good mid-cost Champion and is one of the characters added to the Path of Champions (and all associated tier lists) with the Domination expansion. He's been in the main game for a long time now but the way they implemented him in PoC is making players go back and re-evaluate if they've been sleeping on him. The main reason why Tahm Kench is good is that once he's out there on the field and has the right Relics, such as Berserker's Buckle or Warmog's Armor, he is the almighty unit devourer, capturer, and copier thanks to his Star Power 2 called Long Term Contract. The fact that players can even devour (AKA Capture) enemy Champions, copy them, and then play the card themselves (sometimes in the same turn) is what makes Tahm Kench so fun to play.

Still, he's a mid-cost Champion and he can be hard countered if the enemy AI properly targets him with spells or units before he scales out of control. With that in mind, so players should really get him to at least 2 Stars before investing a lot of time toward leveling him.

13 Vi

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Vi Champion Card Splash Art

Vi, on paper, should not be a Champion rated this high up. Her Champion Card is alright at best and the leveled version, while it can deal direct damage to the enemy Nexus, it needs the right combination of Relics and Passive Powers to become even somewhat "overpowered". The real reason Vi is on here is due to her Star Powers.

Her Star Power 1, Relentless Force, rewards players who keep their strongest ally alive for multiple rounds since Impact can stack. Then, Star Power 2, Piltover's Finest, gives Vi more starting options to start ramping up. And finally, Star Power 3, Relentless Force II, lets Vi deal twice as much damage with Impact. If Vi can just keep one ally alive for five rounds, they'll have +10 Impact and that's just absurd to even think about. Combine that with the fact that Piltover's Finest is one of the only Star Powers that gives the player reduced-cost cards right at the start of each game, and it should be pretty clear now as to why this half-shaved head badass is actually pretty great.

12 Illaoi

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Illaoi Champion Card Splash Art

The Illaoi Deck has, by far, the strongest finishing move out of any PoC character due to Illaoi's Level 2 Card Skill. The only other Champions that even come close are two of the more recent additions, Ornn and Varus, and even they can't match Illaoi in a lot of situations. If players are able to get to the point in a match where Illaoi levels up, it's basically over. But, Illaoi is also probably the Champ in PoC that is the most dependent on having her Star Level ranked up using the Star Fragment system.

Without Prophet of the Elder God II (her Star Power 3) or at the very least Test of Spirit (Star Power 2), Illaoi has to sort of "hang in there" until she can pop off, similar to Bard's deck. Additionally, because many of her cards are based around the Spawn mechanic of stacking tentacles, her board presence is based heavily on quality over quantity. As such, she tends to suffer pretty heavily against opponents who swing with a lot of units at once.

11 Garen

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Garen Champion Card Splash Art

Garen is one of the first "unit-buffing" Champs included on here, alongside other choices like Vi, Bard, and technically Darius. But unlike Bard, Garen is able to go on the offensive earlier thanks to low-Cost early-game Spells like Single Combat being provided to him constantly through his Justice Star Power. Additionally, as the rounds continue, Garen's Elite-type Units self-scale by attacking through his Star Power, Demacian Might.

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But, when compared to all the other PoC characters, Garen is still a character that needs time to ramp up and is heavily dependent on his Relics and Passive Powers, whereas many other Champions can do a lot more a lot earlier with fewer buffs.

10 Lee Sin

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Lee Sin Champion Card Splash Art

Similar to Bard, Lee Sin is another playable Champ that massively benefits from combat lasting at least three or more turns. For one, Lee Sin is a 5-Cost Card, so it's difficult to get him on the field early. Two, his Star Power, Dragon's Spirit, requires a lot of Spell Cards and Spell Mana to really take off, and is pretty dependent on good Powers, Support Champs, and good Relics as well.

That said, if the player does manage to utilize Dragon's Spirit properly, especially Dragon's Spirit II, Lee Sin can kill most opponents in a single attack phase. When playing him, players should constantly be on the lookout for any Powers that reduce Spell mana cost like Spellslinger, duplicate Spells like Slow but Steady, or ones that give additional Spell Mana like Sorcery.

9 Jhin

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Jhin Champion Card Splash Art

Jhin is the perfect Champ for people who love feeling like they're a genius by having a hundred different spells and effects go off at once. When Lotus Trap, Curtain Call, Captive Audience, Magic Embers, and whatever other Spells and Skills are currently in effect are all in line to activate, it truly feels like the player is executing a perfect plan that the enemy could never even hope to escape.

That said, it's one of the more tedious decks to play because of how often players are watching the effects of things like Captive Audience or Curtain Call and a bad starting hand can basically ruin a perfect run with Jhin.

8 Yasuo

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Yasuo Champion Card Splash Art

Yasuo is a character that's built around heavy board control and basically forces players to patiently defend against summoned enemy cards and hold on until they're able to level Yasuo up and take full advantage of his leveled card Skill. That said, it does feel incredibly good to play this Deck well, as it's centered on canceling and punishing the enemy for trying to do anything at all.

Still, Yasuo's first and third Star Powers Follow the Wind and Follow the Wind II are basically just an innate version of the Hold It Passive Power while his second Star Power, Never Dull, is almost entirely meant for buffing Yasuo when he attacked stunned enemies. So, without Yasuo in play, this Deck really struggles.

7 Miss Fortune

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Miss Fortune Champion Card Splash Art

Right off the bat, let's just say that Miss Fortune is strong. And, since the start of Path of Champions 2.0 Miss Fortune has been different too. She used to have Star Powers based a bit more around dealing direct damage to the enemy Nexus and battling Units, but now when she attacks she gets a free Unit draw instead with Most Wanted.

Yes, a lot of the cards in her deck have some odd synergy and while the Powder Monkeys have some fun lore and world-building implications for MF, the Nothing But Powder Monkeys Star Power seems more fit for someone like Gangplank than her. Still, her Starting Deck and playstyle are completely designed around flooding the board with a lot of small Units early, and that does a lot in a game mode where low-cost high-offense decks reign supreme.

6 Vayne

Legends Of Runeterra - Vayne Level 2 Card Art Full View

Vayne is another character added in the Domination update as part of the Darkin Saga Expansion and she's assuredly the "always attacking" character of this expansion. In Awakening this role was filled by Jax (and partially Kayn) while this time around it's Vayne (with Teemo following a bit behind).

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And, this is exactly why she's so good as low-cost decks that swing for a lot of damage in the first couple of turns tend to sweep most regions of the PoC. With Tumble, Vayne can always attack with at least one unit per turn, even without the Attack Token, and with her second Star Power, Night Hunter, the unit she uses and Equips using Tumble will also get Scout for the turn as well. And, if this combo of attacking and then using Tumble with a Scout ally is done correctly, Vayne can attack twice when it's not even her turn as the Scout-allied attack also gives her a standard attack token after. The only place where Vayne struggles is when she has too much Equipment to deal with due to her It Must Do Something Star Power and not enough units, but that's the luck of the draw. While Vayne may be one of the more difficult Champions to play in League of Legends, she's pretty simple in this one.

5 Darius

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Darius Champion Card Splash Art

Darius is this high up for one reason and one reason only, the Darius + The Curator's Gatebreaker combo. This Rare Relic allows Darius to attack the enemy Nexus automatically on Summon. Now, combine this aspect with the fact that Darius will auto-level before the attack from The Curator's Gatebreaker if the enemy Nexus is below 50 percent HP before hitting it, and it should be pretty obvious as to why this combo is good.

Then, players can also use their other Relic slots (depending on Darius' Champion Level) to create some more absurd combos such as Crownguard Inheritance, Stalker's Blade, Wriggle's Lantern, and even Galeforce and suddenly every game will be over in the same turn as Darius is summoned. Keep in mind that Darius' Star Powers, Noxian Might, and Carve A Path, have yet to be mentioned so far even though they're also very useful, and it's no wonder he's ranked among the best of the best.

4 Annie

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Annie Champion Card Splash Art

Annie is sort of a middle child between a Star Level-dependant Deck like Jhin/Illaoi and an obviously broken Deck like Jinx. The reason Annie is comparable to Illaoi is simply that without her first Star Power, Pyromania, Annie isn't worth much.

But, as soon as Annie is at 1-Star, she's exponentially more fun to play. The +1 (or +2 depending on if its Pyromania I or II) to all damage of Spells and Skills from Pyromania means that Annie is able to do more with her already absurdly low Mana Curve and can synergize well with a crazy high number of Support Champs, Powers, and Spells. Originally, people were sleeping on Annie a lot, thinking that she was just another aggressive low-cost deck without many synergies. But, the moment players started realizing they could have a 1-cost Champ on the field with Luden's Tempest, suddenly everyone began to see her value a lot more clearly.

3 Lux

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Lux Champion Card Splash Art

At first glance, Lux looks like another mid to late-game ramp deck like Garen and Bard, but that's not actually the case. Thanks to her Star Power, Lighting the Way, Lux is able to use more cards in the early rounds which lets her activate her Star Power 2, Pushing My Limits, earlier and then this allows her to go on the offensive multiple times every turn, which is exactly why she's one of the best Champions in LoR.

The big spells she starts with, guaranteed Rally with Golden Aegis, and overall board control of the Lux Deck are all shockingly strong by default, and only become more powerful as more Champ Levels, Relics, and Powers are added into the mix. And, since her abilities are based around casting Spells, even if they aren't the most useful, she's also a deck that works absurdly well with a ton of different Passive Powers and card combinations.

2 Jax

Legends Of Runeterra - Jax Level 2 Card Art Full View

Jax is one of the characters added in the Awakening Expansion that started of the Darkin saga in Legends of Runeterra. He, alongside Ornn, is a Champion designed around two of the newly introduced Keywords AKA Equip and Innovate. With the right Relics and starting draw, Jax can level up in the first or second turn, thus making every additional attack with him have Overwhelm. Not only that but his deck is also built similarly to Miss Fortunes in that he should be constantly flooding the field with low-cost units.

Not only will these units tend to Equip themselves using Innovate, but they'll also cause card draw on death through his Relentless Assault Star Power, and even scale themselves up using his other Star Power Last Light of Icathia. Somehow even though Jax technically attacks less than Vayne does on average, he feels like one of the best with a more aggressive playstyle and he's able to seemingly clear regions more quickly.

1 Jinx

Legends Of Runeterra - Path Of Champions - Jinx Champion Card Splash Art

Finally, there's Jinx, the peak of Path of Champions 2.0. Jinx was already strong in the first version of Legends of Runeterra's Path of Champions tier list, but 2.0 shot her to the top of the rankings like a Super Mega Death Rocket.Jinx is already able to beat opponents just by playing cards with her Star Power, What's the Worst that Can Happen?, 1 and 2, but with The Loose Cannon's Payload Relic, she can literally clear every combat in the first or second turn without even trying. In fact, this constant peppering of damage seems more like something that Bel' Veth would do as a playable character than the menace of Piltover herself.

With this Relic, Jinx discards her hand and replaces it entirely with 1 Cost Pow-Pow Cards. And, while this sounds strong, that's only half of it. Because she discards her entire hand, her Star Power triggers for every card discarded, Jinx herself auto-levels once her hand is technically "empty", and a Super Mega Death Rocket is created if the player has her 2nd Star Power, Wreak Havoc, unlocked. Just to do the math, and it's obvious why Jinx is the absolute best, both here and in Wild Rift.

Legends of Runeterra is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

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