Legends of Runeterra, Riot Game's digital card game based in the world of League of Legends, released its latest update on October 15, introducing 40 new collectible cards, including 3 champions, as well as a variety of new features and content across the game. The new cards come with a wide array of interesting characters and beautiful art to match.

However, there's a fun layer of story to the game's world that the average player might not know. Hidden within the cards of Legends of Runtterra, players can often find stories that are linked through the games card art and flavor text.

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Cithria the Bold

It’s an odd thing to say that a card game has a main character, but if Legends of Runeterra were to have one, Cithria would no doubt be this game’s star. Cithria of Cloudfield makes multiple appearances in three different card arts, with each of her appearances showing her progression through the ranks of the Demacian army.

In the flavor text of her first card appearance, “Cithria of Cloudfield,” it’s revealed that Cithria’s mother told her stories of Demacia’s greatest heroes, and that her mother was a soldier herself. In the card’s art, Cithria is carrying a wooden sword on her back as she walks through a Demacian town, having not yet started her journey as a soldier.

The next time Cithria makes an appearance is in the card art for “Vanguard Squire.” Here, Cithria is shown to have become a faceless soldier within the Demacian army. Her voice lines and flavor text indicate that she is still just a humble soldier trying to do her part in any way she can. That is until her final appearance in the card “Cithria the Bold.”

No longer the wide-eyed young girl with a dream, Cithria is shown leading other soldiers into battle, rallying troops with her sword raised her high. A fitting ending to a hero’s journey. Cithria is also mentioned in Riot's most recent board game, Tellstones, making her a staple within the League of Legends universe.

The Hapless Aristocrat

From within the depths of the Shadow Isles, there is a great tragedy; the tragedy of the Hapless Aristocrat. This story is far less wholesome or inspiring than that of Cithria’s. It all begins with the card “Arachnoid Sentry,” with a gentleman caller approaching a house with a smug grin and four roses. From the card’s flavor text it’s revealed that he’s expecting dinner with some woman he’s fallen hopelessly in love with. But instead of being greeted by a beautiful woman at the door, he’s face to face with a giant spider and everything begins to unravel from there.

Turns out lady Elise had other plans for our poor Hapless Aristocrat. The next part of the story takes place within Elise’s Champion art, where she leads him to a dark cave and reveals her true form to him, that of a giant spider. However, this would not be the end of the Hapless Aristocrat, as somehow he escaped Elise’s mansion and avoided becoming her dinner.

In his next appearance, “Warden’s Prey,” players learn that a far worse fate would come to the Aristocrat in the form Thresh, the chain warden. In Warden’s Prey, fans see the Hapless Aristocrat hiding in a graveyard from Thresh, the tormentor of souls. It’s unclear whether or not the Aristocrat would manage to avoid Thresh’s chains and escape the Shadow Isles. Maybe playerscan expect a follow up to the Aristocrat’s story in later expansions, and hopefully, he could catch a much-needed break.

The Traveler

Last but certainly not least, there's the story of Tyari, the tale of a group of travelers braving the intense climb of mount Targon. These cards were released as part of the Call of the Mountain expansion back in August. The story begins in “Gift Giver,” where a kind woman is seen giving a group of climbers necklaces made of gems that are to protect them on their ascent up the mountain.

In the background, players can see Tyari fitting the necklace around his neck and an unnamed climber who seems to be the only one not wearing a necklace at all. The other two climbers are named in the flavor text. Halley is a Noxian woman looking to prove herself to her people by climbing Targon, and Emir is an optimistic Demacian who wants to prove he’s capable of something amazing. As of the beginning of the journey, there are four people attempting the climb.

The next time players see the group of travelers is in “Mountain Scryer,” where only three of the travelers are present. This is reinforced in “Tyari the Traveler,” where once again there are only three travelers present, as Tyari is seen opening a portal. After a brief stop and a lesson from the “Mentor of the Stones,” voice line interactions between the Mentor and other cards reveal that the Mentor doesn’t see a future for the climbers Emir and Halley.

The ascent up the mountain continues in “Mountain Sojourners.” The group of three are still making their way up the mountain where things only get more perilous. The card art for “Fused Firebrand” shows a giant metallic dragon attacking two travelers in the snow, Emir and Tyari, with Halley nowhere to be seen. It can be inferred that the Halley fell off the side of the mountain in Mountain Sojourners. The Mentor’s prediction about Halley and Emir failing to make it to the peak turned out to be true.

Tyari is the last of the mountain climbers to appear in other cards; first in Taric’s level one card art, where he’s seen greeting Tyari as the base of a spiraling staircase, then once again in “Arbiter of the Peak.” This is the final time Tyari is seen. After braving the mountain and watching as the other climbers failed to reach the peak, the last test is the Arbiter, whose flavor text reveals that this is the final test of the mountain. The Arbiter looks into the climber’s spirit to see if they are worthy.

After being deemed worthy by the Arbiter, Tyari becomes “The Traveler,” and is the first confirmed transgender character within the League of Legends canon, no longer using he/him pronouns. Like Cithria, this story serves to inspire and is very satisfying when learning of its conclusion. Tyari has traveled far to become the person she always knew that she was.

These are only a handful of the stories woven into the amazing cards of Legends of Runeterra. There are plenty of more to discover within the current card available, and countless others to be added into the game with further expansions.

Legends of Runeterra is available now on PC, iOS, and Android.

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