The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wildis easily the biggestZeldagame, as it has the biggest map, it has the most amount of items and systems, and it even includes many of the races/tribes found in previous games in the series. Although multiple races have appeared in singularZeldatitles before,Breath of the Wild’sopen worldmarked the first time that Nintendo was able to show all of these peoples living side-by-side and sometimes within each other’s villages/towns. Even though there are manyZeldaraces inBotW,a few more could appear in the sequel.

Breath of the Wild 2was revealed at E3 2019 and the trailer that Nintendo showed off indicates that there will be many new additions to the firstBreath of the Wild’s map, which will be built upon for the sequel. Besides the Ganondorf-looking corpse and the green aura, another completely new thing that appeared in the trailer was the beast of burden that Link and Zelda were travelling with.

This beast doesn’t appear at all inBotW,so it stands to reason to believe that Nintendo will add more tribes to the sequel as well. Here are a couple of examples as to which ones can potentially show up inBotW 2.

RELATED: Breath of the Wild 2 Could Start a Brand New Legend of Zelda Timeline

The Minish A.K.A. The Picori

legend of zelda minish cap

The Minish (called Picori by the Hylians) are a race of tiny mouse-like people that appear inThe Minish Capwhere they come from the Minish Realm and inhabit the Minish Woods of Hyrule in that particular game. They’re described as being the ones responsible for hiding hearts and various items under all the tall grass. Interestingly enough, Nintendo initially planned to include the Minish (or a Minish-esque people) inBreath of the Wild, but the idea was ultimately scrapped. InBotW’s concept art, Link is shown interacting with them, indicating that this was a deeply developed idea before it was canned.

Just like how Link’s motorcycle was a scrapped idea that made it into the game via DLC, this Minish concept could potentially be reintroduced toBotW 2in a major way. If the Minish do make it into the sequel, then there ought to be some quest that explains their absence in the first game. The Minish could also help Link defeat Ganondorf, or whicheverLegend of Zelda villains appear in the sequel. Additionally, shrinking Link down to their size again could open up a fresh and unexplored new world to experience on top of the already established land of Hyrule.

Deku Scrubs

deku royal family

The Deku Scrubs appear in multipleLegend of Zeldagames, but their most significant appearance is inMajora’s Mask,where they operate as a whole society, complete with a functioning government and a royal Deku Scrub family. The Deku Scrubs ofMajora’s Maskare mostly friendly and engage with the other races of the game in a normal manner, but their appearance in most of the otherZeldagames has them as villainous creatures most of the time. Just like the Sheikah, which were split among the royal loyalists and the Ganon-favoring Yiga, the Deku Scrubs could be another race of complex people inBotW 2.


zelda demise

Even though the story ofBreath of the Wildis as apocalyptic as some of the other games in the franchise, there are surprisingly no demons to be found roaming Hyrule in the game (Ganon’s blights control the divine beasts and guardians instead). Seeing as how demons play a central role withinThe Legend of Zelda timeline, it’s entirely possible that they come back in force forBotW 2to back up their king, Ganondorf. Interestingly, there is really only one interactable demon that can be found inBotW’sHyrule, and it’s trapped within a horned statue in Hateno Village. It gives Link a valuable heart-stamina trading service, but time will tell if it remains friendly inBreath of the Wild 2.

A sequel toThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: How Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Could Use the Divine Beasts