The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a game that stands apart from the rest of the series for a variety of reasons. With an emphasis on motion-controlled combat and linear progression, it's certainly a black sheep in some regards. Another unique aspect of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is its crafting system. From early on in the game, players will need to farm monster materials to improve their equipment. This guide will focus on farming Monster Claws for some vital upgrades.

An important thing to keep in mind before beginning any sort of farming in Skyward Sword is that the Treasure Medal will increase drop rates. This valuable key item can be obtained by finding a Goddess Cube near the Earth Temple. In the Bokoblin village, east of the Temple is a tower with a hidden path tucked away close by. Interacting with the Goddess Cube there will unlock a chest that can be reached by flying on a Loftwing in Skyloft containing the Treasure Medal that any farming enthusiast will need.

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How to Farm Monster Claws in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

A notable farming location for Monster Claws early in Skyward Sword is the Skyview Temple. A number of Keese and Walltula enemies populate the hallways and have a decent chance at yielding the desired material. Players should make their way through the dungeon toward the Bird Statue save point. These statues have the ability to teleport Link outside of a dungeon, making this route easy to repeat.

skyward sword link with bokoblin

Aside from the farming route mentioned above, there are other enemies and locations that can be great for gathering Monster Claws. The following list will give players plenty of options:

  • Keese - Skyloft, Waterfall Cave, Faron Woods, Skyview Temple, Lanayru Mining Facility
  • Walltula - Skyview Temple, Faron Woods, Thunderhead
  • Guay - Faron Woods, the Sky
  • Fire Keese - Eldin Volcano
  • Thunder Keese - Lanayru Desert

Upgrading equipment is extremely important, all the more so when the player is preparing for a long dungeon or an encounter against one of the major bosses in Skyward Sword. Players who are on the hunt for Monster Claws can use the following list to know which items the material can be used to upgrade:

  • Iron Bow
  • Banded Shield
  • Braced Shield
  • Reinforced Shield
  • Fortified Shield
  • Medium Seed Satchel
  • Large Seed Satchel

The majority of upgrades that utilize Monster Claws are for shield items. Keeping Link's shield up to snuff is extremely important because shields sustain damage and will eventually break in Skyward Sword.

Upgrading shields will reduce the odds of being left completely defenseless during a crucial boss battle. Until it becomes possible to obtain the absurdly sturdy Hylian Shield that can never break, players should take the time to farm upgrade materials for Link's gear.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is available now on Wii and Nintendo Switch.

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