When Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time released in 1996 and 1998 respectively, it would have been easy for Nintendo to release unambitious entries to the series; as the fact that they were 3D was always going to be a huge selling-point regardless of their quality. Commendably to Nintendo, they didn't take the easy option and made two of the best games of all time instead.

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The scope of Ocarina of Time was enormous when it was first released. Because of this, many players missed tons of things when first playing through the game, especially as they couldn't hop onto YouTube and watch a few walkthroughs like today. Ocarina of Time was one of the pioneers of playground rumors, such as the infamous Sky Temple myth, that kids in school would claim that their brother's friend's sister found. Thankfully, the age of internet forums has extinguished the era of video game myths and rumors, but there are still plenty of mistakes to be made when first playing through the game today.

10 Failing To Get Biggoron's Sword

Ocarina of Time - Biggoron Sword

Anyone who claims that they obtained the Biggoron Sword without any help is either lying or deserves a plaque from Nintendo. Getting the sword is far from impossible, although it involves a complex trade sequence that was likely in the game to sell the official strategy guide.

The Biggoron Sword isn't just for show though, as it's an even stronger weapon than the Master Sword.

9 Not Getting Epona

Ocarina of Time - Link on Epona jumping over a fence

For people who have played through the game multiple times, knowing how to ride Epona is second nature. It can be easy to forget, therefore, just how tricky it is when first playing the game.

Believe it or not, the concept of riding a horse wasn't originally intended for Link, but for Mario in Super Mario 64.

8 Getting Lost In The Lost Woods

Ocarina of Time - The Lost Woods

Traversing the Lost Woods is another section of Ocarina of Time that is second nature to experienced players, but difficult to work out for new ones.

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Players need to use their ears instead of their eyes in the Lost Woods, as the sound of Saria's Song will guide them through the maze of tree trunks.

7 Struggling To Cheer Up Darunia

Ocarina of Time - Daruna dancing

Nintendo didn't take long before throwing a tough puzzle at players, as the Goron boss needs to be cheered up for them to progress. To turn Darunia's frown upsidedown, players need to make the counterintuitive decision to go back to the tutorial area of the game that there was recently a big ordeal about them finally leaving. Not only that, but they then have to reach Saria through the aforementioned Lost Woods.

A shortcut to the Lost Woods does exist inside Goron City, though it isn't possible to use at that stage of the game, meaning many players will be stuck for hours trying to work out what to do.

6 Not Utilizing The Goron Vase

Ocarina of Time - Vase from Goron City

Many players will suspect that the giant Goron shaped vase in Goron City has some sort of significance, but not too many will work out exactly what that significance is.

To discover its purpose, players must light all of the torches in Goron City, which will cause it to start spinning. Then, if a bomb is thrown into its opening, players will be rewarded with either a piece of heart, 10 bombs, or 3 rupees depending on which side is facing Link when the bomb explodes.

5 The Dreaded Jabu-Jabu Puzzle

Ocarina of Time - Jabu-Jabu

One of the most infamous puzzles in gaming history, the Zora deity Lord Jabu-Jabu has likely caused thousands of players to give up on Ocarina of Time.  

The solution makes sense in hindsight; players must drop a fish in front of Jabu-Jabu, causing him to suck both the fish and Link into its mouth where the dungeon is located. However, there is no indication that this would ever work, and obtaining a fish is easier said than done.

4 Missing The Soft Soil Locations

Magic Bean seller in Ocarina of Time

One of the many changes that occur when transitioning from child to adult Link is the growing of Magic Beans that can be planted in Soft Soil locations scattered around the game.

Finding all of the locations and planting beans inside them may sound like a pain, and quite frankly it is, though it's certainly worth the effort as players will be rewarded with items ranging from Heart Pieces to Gold Skulltula's.

3 Not Defeating The Skull Kids

Ocarina of Time - Skull Kids

One of the many characters from Ocarina of Time re-used in Majora's Mask, the Skull Kids in Ocarina of Time will play a musical tune with Link when he is in child form.

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Once Link is an adult, however, the Skull Kids are hostile and will attack him. It may seem impossible to fight back, as the Skull Kids appear to be just out of reach. This is where the aforementioned Biggoron's Sword comes in handy as both the sword and the Giant's Knife can reach them, earning players a hefty 200 rupees.

2 Not Understanding The Gossip Stones

Ocarina of Time - Gossip Stone

The Gossip Stones appear throughout Ocarina of Time and may seem quite useless, as hitting them will simply tell Link the time. The stones do have a very useful purpose though, as playing either Zelda's Lullaby or the Song of Storms in its vicinity will provide players with a fairy.

The Gossip Stones have a few other uses that are of little purpose but can be good fun. For example, throwing a bomb at a stone will cause it to fly into the air like a rocket blasting off.

1 Buying The Hylian Shield

Ocarina of Time - Shop with Hylian Shield

Obtaining the Hylian Shield is definitely worthwhile, as it is far more durable than the Deku Shield and it can guard Link from fire attacks, but buying it is a mistake.

Instead, players should head to the graveyard in Kakariko Village, where the shield can be found in a grave.

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