While The Legend of Zelda franchise focuses on the many variations of Link's journey to save the various incarnations of Princess Zelda, it's not without its numerous supporting characters. Many of them have been one-offs, appearing in one game and never being heard from again but leaving an impression nonetheless.

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These characters rounded out the full experience of each installment of the franchise. In fact, many of the games wouldn't have been the same without some of their distinctive NPCs. Despite the dire consequences Link faced in every journey, at least one character always offered a bit of humor to lighten the mood. These funniest characters of The Legend of Zelda franchise are also some of the most memorable.

7 The Happy Mask Salesman

The Happy Mask Salesman in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

The Happy Mask Salesman in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is very animated compared to his other appearances in the franchise. In his interactions with Link, his facial expressions and storytelling are often over the top, making the experience comical.

Because of how animated he is, this version of the character is one of the funniest in the franchise. He frequently transforms from a calm, neutral expression to one of extreme emotion in the blink of an eye. The result is shocking and funny at the same time.

6 Bolson

Link talking to Bolson in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Link will meet a construction crew in Hateno Village. The head of this crew is named Bolson. He has an interesting quirk in which he requires everyone who works for his company to have a name that ends in -son.

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Bolson offers Link the opportunity to buy an abandoned house and complete several upgrades on it. With each upgrade, Bolson offers a bit of flare, making every interaction quite comical.

5 Barnes

Barnes in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Players meet Barnes in Kakariko Village in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. He's the owner of the local bomb shop and is full of quirks. The primary one is his fear of everything and an outright love of self-preservation. Players will experience several cutscenes where he displays these traits.

He's most notable for being the only employee of the bomb shop, where he runs two separate sections of the counter. One side is for buying and the other for returning. The weird thing is that he runs them separately, pretending to be two different people. He also has an interesting appearance with a belly shirt, high-heeled boots, and a welding mask he never removes.

4 Beedle

Beedle in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Beedle incarnation in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a funny character because of how he presents himself. First, unlike in other games when he is in his flying shop, he's the sole source of power this time. When players ring the bell and climb on board, they'll find that Beedle is constantly pedaling a bike to keep his shop afloat.

Second, he informs players he performs business this way to be more "eco-friendly." Finally, when players window-shop instead of purchasing any of his wares, he becomes highly offended. He lets them know they significantly add to the weight he's trying to keep in the air, offers a slightly sadistic smile, and pulls a rope that opens a trapdoor, dropping Link to the ground below.

3 Malo

Malo in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, players meet the brothers Malo and Talo. At first glance, Malo seems like an ordinary, adorable baby. He doesn't give the impression of having any special traits. Then, he starts talking and walking around.

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What's even funnier is he runs a shop that Link frequents. While he's busy doing adult things, he also comes across as quite rude. He often insults Link with clever digs. Malo is a great example of how looks can be deceiving.

2 ???

??? in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

This character from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was unique based on his name alone. Three question marks were all players were given to identify this unknown subject inside a toilet. All players could see was his hand reaching out for some paper.

It's not every day that players have the opportunity to interact with an NPC in a latrine. This experience was funny enough as Link passed by, and the hand popped out, waving at him. Even better was the reward for accommodating his request. Getting peace of heart is never a shabby response to anything.

1 Tingle

Tingle in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Appearing in many The Legend of Zelda titles, Tingle is a fan-favorite and funny character. A grown man who dreams of being a fairy, he dresses up in a knock-off Link costume and is found floating by a balloon. His catchphrase and little dance are a comical sight to see. Anyone who interacts with Tingle cannot help but chuckle.

Tingle will happily float in the middle of an area filled with enemies, pretending to be a fairy. When he sees Link, his excitement goes through the roof at having met another fairy. Out of all the characters Link has ever interacted with, Tingle takes the cake for being the funniest.

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