The Legend of Zelda franchise is filled with creepy enemies, but cuter foes are far less common. In Hyrule, it's pretty easy to tell the difference between a friend and an enemy for this reason. If you're skittish, it's probably best to hang out with the Koroks and Gorons and steer clear of actual combat. However, there are a few adorable enemies that make it difficult to keep swinging that sword.

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The Zelda series is full of beauty, mystery, darkness, and utter terror, and its complex enemies reflect that. This list of Hyrule's creepiest enemies, as well as its cutest enemies, is sure to evoke some mixed emotions.

10 Adorable: Deku Scrubs

Let's start with a cute enemy just to lighten the mood and buffer the nightmares. Deku Scrubs are definitely not the most intimidating enemies, and not just because of their looks. These little Dekus are more annoying than dangerous, so their adorable appearance is fitting. In fact, in Majora's Mask, Link actually becomes a Deku scrub himself.

The Deku Princess is actually incredibly kind, and she demands her father to reform his hateful policies. On the other hand, Deku Scrubs can pack a powerful punch if they choose to. While adorable, these nut-spitters are still common enemies in most Zelda games.

9 Creepy: Skulltulas

Ah yes, giant spiders with human skulls on their backs! This is the stuff that most people see in their nightmares. Link may have this under control, but the person behind the controller is an entirely different story. Skulltulas are in multiple Zelda games, notably in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. Both designs are equally creepy in different ways.

If they're not already terrifying enough, the skull on that Skulltulas' back acts as a shield. Yikes! Fighting these giant arachnids is a chore—looks like Link needs to start carrying some bug spray.

8 Adorable: ChuChu's (Wind Waker)

Chu Jellies are common in the Zelda series, but Wind Waker's Chuchus are the most adorable variety of colorful goos. These little sticky blobs have faces and they come at Link with enthusiastic smiles. Where's the Picto Box at? Say "cheese!"

All this Chuchu admiration is fun and games until the Chuchus knock Link's hearts down to nothing. The yellow and blue electric Chuchus are the absolute least endearing. However, unlike in other games, Wind Waker's Chuchus turn into "Chu Jelly" upon death. This jelly is used to create potions that have healing properties. If Link already has enough potions, he can always sell the chu jelly to Beetle for extra cash.

7 Creepy: Lynels

Breath of the Wild is home to one of the most terrifying enemies in the entire Zelda franchise: Lynels. This isn't the first time a Lynel has appeared in the series, but it's certainly the scariest appearance. These giant centaurs don't show any mercy. Lynels exist in several different forms and strengths, and it's best to be overly prepared when a battle commences.

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A photo doesn't do this guy any justice. Between his screeching roar, his tremendous power, and his incredible speed, he is not fun to be around. Lynels harness many powerful weapons, and their body parts are worth many rupees, but is the payoff worth the terror?

6 Adorable: Poes (Ocarina of Time)

Yes, the Poes that are in Ocarina of Time are adorable. There's no way around this. Sure, ghosts typically aren't the friendliest, and Poes follow suit. However, their glowing eyes and goofy chuckles make them far cuter than they should be. It's not so cute when they whack Link in the head with their lanterns, but that's beside the point.

It's important to note that Poes are found in several Zelda games, and they appear in multiple designs and forms. Not all Poes are as cute as these are. Don't be surprised if other Poe varients trigger a nightmare or two.

5 Creepy: ReDeads

ReDeads are zombie-like creatures who put Link in a chokehold while making a paralyzing screeching noise. This enemy appears in many different Zelda games, but its form in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask is especially terrifying. When Link gets too close to it, the ReDead's piercing scream paralyzes him so that it can attack.

The only thing that can stop these monsters is to freeze them before they can freeze Link. You won't find the answer to that here, though. This list on tips and tricks in Ocarina of Time will help you out with this issue.

4 Adorable: Octoroks

Octoroks are octopus-like enemies that shoot rocks from their mouths. These water creatures greatly resemble Deku Scrubs in their design, and in their attack methods. Like Scrubs, these foes can be obnoxious. However, their sad eyes and innocent appearance makes it difficult to hate them.

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Octoroks appear in most Zelda titles, and they come in many different types. In Breath of the Wild, there is an Octorok species for almost every earth element that exists. In other titles, Octoroks appear in different color varieties and types, as well.

3 Creepy: Poes (Twilight Princess)

Earlier, we looked at Poes from Ocarina of Time and casually mentioned Poes from other games. Well, there's a reason for that. Those cute and funny Poes are no match for Twilight Princess's demonic spirits. This game is definitely one of the darkest in the franchise—hence its name—and these freaks are proof of it.

Just imagine entering a temple full of quicksand, ghost rats, and tiny skeleton armies, then looking up and seeing this. While Ocarina of Time Poes are goofy and difficult to take seriously, these ghosts appear to be Satan's direct spawns. No, thanks!

2 Adorable: Stone Pebblits

A Breath of the Wild exclusive, Stone Pebblits look like little mini versions of Stone Taluses, and they are far less intimidating. In fact, these faceless, angry rocks are pretty adorable. These rock creatures stumble around like little angry toddlers that demand milk and cookies for breakfast. It's difficult to take them seriously. That is until their punches send Link flying across Hyrule field.

Stone Pebblits appear in regular forms and ice forms, the latter causing a bit more damage. No matter how cute, these icy stones are likely to ruin ski trips and Christmas dinners all across Hyrule.

1 Creepy: Shadow Messengers

The Shadow Messenger, otherwise known as the Twilit Messenger, is quite mysterious. These enemies attack in groups, and, like ReDeads, they make some very alarming screeching sounds. Link first encounters these foes while in his wolf form. Shadow Messengers only appear in Twilight Princess and originate in The Twilight Realm.

Shadow Messengers just drop out of portals from the sky like it's nobody's business. Imagine taking a walk one day, then, all of a sudden, it starts raining these things? Link doesn't get paid enough for this.

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