Since its release in March of this year, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fans have managed to discover just how little restrictions Nintendo put in place on user experimentation within the game, as it has afforded players the chance to find ways to utilize neat puzzle skipping tricks and lots more. Just recently, in fact, one fan has now found a way for adventurers to leave the title's opening section of The Great Plateau early.

As seen below in the video from the YouTuber known as mety333, players can use the game's Stasis ability on a door perched on a ledge of a ruined fortress close to the edge of The Great Plateau's map to launch themselves into a nearby lake. In doing so, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fans can now explore the rest of the map sooner than intended, and mety333 uses their time to battle a couple of enemies and ride some horses.

While the discovery from mety333 is certainly an interesting one, there are some caveats to consider, as managing to leave The Great Plateau early in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild doesn't offer any major payoffs in the way of rewards. In fact, it's quite the opposite, for if players begin to stray too far or stay in any area in the rest of the map for too long without having collected the Spirit Orbs for the Old Man to receive Link's paraglider, they will be teleported back to The Great Plateau.

For those unaware, this is far from mety333's first inventive workaround or discovery in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as the player has previously been able to reach the highest point on the title's map by combining Link's paraglider, a minecart, and the Magnesis rune to ascend well above Hyrule to view the whole environment. Not to mention, the YouTuber showed a crafty way to build an actual working go-kart in the game.

All things considered, it's marvelous to see mety333 and other players experimenting with the boundaries of exploration and creation within The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. With the Nintendo Switch and Wii U game having only been out for a little under two months, fans should expect to see even more nifty discoveries from the community's open world adventurers as the weeks and months press on.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now for Nintendo Switch and Wii U.

Source: mety333 – YouTube