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The Rito Village may not have a lot going on inside its spire and holds easily one of the shortest Divine Beast main quests that players can complete, but what it lacks in the main storyline it makes up for with side quests. One of these side quests is a Shrine quest, The Bird In The Mountains, that opens the Mozo Shenno Shrine when completed.

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For the most part, this side quest is fairly easy, though it can also be a point of difficulty if players don't know exactly what they are looking for. Like many of the quests in Rito Village, The Bird In The Mountains involves solving a riddle given to Link in order to unlock the secrets held by it for decades.

Where To Begin The Quest

Molli in Rito Village BOTW

In order to begin the Bird In The Mountains quest, players need to talk to Molli, a bright pink Rito child found in the village, usually sitting over one of the ledges by herself. She will tell Link a story about her grandfather, who traveled to the peak of the mountain and saw a great, white bird in the snow. She also tells Link that he saw something interesting near the bird, but she doesn't know exactly what it is. After the quest activates, it's clear that the mysterious thing her grandfather saw was a Sheikah Shrine ripe for the picking. In order to find this Shrine, players need to travel to where Molli is pointing, to the tree at the top of Talonto Peak. The area immediately surrounding this is frozen and will cause Link to take damage if he isn't wearing protective armor or taking Cold Resistance food and elixirs

Head To The Mountaintop Tree

Mountaintop Tree looking over the white bird in BOTW

The journey to the Talonto Peak is no easy trek, as there are many enemies and difficult climbing spots that need to be tackled before Link will even get close to the area. If players have unlocked the Goma Asaagh Shrine, found northeast of Rito Village, it may be easier to simply fast travel here and make the rest of the trek on foot, as it is located much closer to the Talonto Peak than Rito Village. The Flight Range is also in a good position for players to walk the rest of the way, though it is all uphill and requires a lot more climbing than taking the alternative route.

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No matter which direction players come from, they will have to deal with several strong enemies, including Ice Lizalfos, Blizzrobes, and multiple Moblins and Bokoblins, so players not only have to be prepared for the cold but also be prepared for a fight.

Finding The Bird And The Shrine

The Mezo Shenno Shrine under the white bird in BOTW

Once players reach the top of Talonto Peak, they may be tempted to try and look for an actual bird in the distance, but the "bird" that Molli speaks of is actually a rock formation that, when looked at from the right angle, appeared to be a large bird and can be seen by looking northwest from the Talonto Peak. If players have the Travel Medallion, it may be a good idea to put it down around the large tree, as the next step may involve a lot more walking if they mess it up.

From the tree, jump off the cliff and glide towards the bird and land on the rocky outcrop just between the cliffside and the bird, though be wary of the group of Lizalfos accompanied by a Moblin off to the right-hand side, as they may spot Link on the way down and chase him to the cliff edge. From here, players should be able to see the family orange glow of a Shrine, hidden under the rear of the bird, which can be reached by gliding from this location. Once players have reached the Shrine, the quest will be completed, however, they will have to complete the Shrine's puzzle in order to receive the Spirit Orb.

Completing The Mozo Shenno Shrine

Mozo Shenno Shrine in BOTW

This particular Shrine, like the Goma Assagh Shrine, is a Major Test of Strength trial that requires Link possess some serious firepower in order to defeat. If players chose to battle the group of Lizalfos before entering the Shrine, they should have a handful of decent weapons on their side. However, this particular Guardian has a whopping 3000 health, so going in with an assortment of Ancient weapons may be for the best.

The battleground also has a distinct lack of pillars to block the charging Guardian, as well as its beams in the final stage of the fight. What is present, however, are several metal pillars hidden in the ground that can be raised with Magnesis, allowing Link to summon a defensive wall whenever he needs it. Once the battle has been won, which will most likely cost several weapons in the process, Link can proceed to take the Guardian Axe++ and Guardian Spear++ from the Guardian's remains and enter the next room, where they can also take a Diamond from the chest before claiming the Spirit Orb from the Sheikah Monk.

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