Since the very first Legend of Zelda game, there has been confusion about the game's protagonist. Many confuse Link as Zelda and wonder why he has taken the spotlight in a game named after Princess Zelda. Well, one Redditor has taken issue with that (seemingly jokingly), posting an impressive combat clip from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild while modded to be Zelda instead of link.

The clip shows Redditor Lacey_Rosehips taking down a guardian in style as Zelda, and is pretty awesome to watch. Lacey_Rosehips uses a host of Breath of the Wild tricks to make the stunt work, including some animation cancels and an amazing boomerang throw.

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Just to add a cherry on top, Lacey_Rosehips has Zelda take a selfie with the self-destructing Guardian and then slowly walk away with the explosion behind her. It looks like something straight out of a Zelda action movie, and the scene can be watched below.

Lacey_Rosehips explains the process of how they took the Guardian down, as since things happen pretty quickly some viewers were confused. First, they perform a fast parry to deflect the guardian's laser and fire a quick shot with the bow. A boomerang is thrown upwards and Lacey_Rosehips switches shields to cut the animation short, giving them an extra second or so. The boomerang loops around behind the Guardian and takes out all five legs at once, causing it to rocket into the air. They then perform a bomb shield jump to slow time before finishing the Guardian off with a well placed shot.

Fan reaction shows that everyone is thoroughly impressed. This particular trick has been seen before, but they way Lacey_Rosehips performs it as Zelda and adds some of their own flair in is just awesome to watch. One player even jokes about how Zelda walks away from the explosion all calm and collected only to sprint back to pick up the items immediately after. There is a lot of hope for a playable Zelda in Breath of the Wild 2, so hopefully Nintendo decides to make that happen somehow. Until then, fans will have to make do with mods such as this.

This clip has only accentuated the desire to see the heroine playable, as many feel Zelda has spent far too long sitting on the sidelines and being rescued by Link. Breath of the Wild sets up her character to be an active part of the sequel, but it remains to be seen whether or not that will actually be the case.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now exclusively on Switch.

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