The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of the most beloved games of this generation. Coming in at the tail end of the Wii U's life and kicking off the extreme success of the Nintendo Switch, the game captivated millions of audiences thanks to its freeing gameplay and breathtaking visuals. Now, Breath of the Wild 2 is in development, and fans are eagerly awaiting information from the Big N on any details for the game.

Many rumors of Breath of the Wild 2 point to a beautiful and impressive game, which is to be expected with how remarkable the original was. But new information points to a major shift from the first Breath of the Wild, one that fans of the series will probably appreciate. Calamity Ganon was, of course, the villain of Breath of the Wild, but signs point to him returning in the sequel in a different form, along with other perhaps memorable and beloved bosses from previous Zelda games.

RELATED: There Could be a Few Villains in The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2

2017's Breath of the Wild seemed practically perfect in every way, as many fans found it hard to complain about anything as they were exploring the massive world with such freedom. But looking back at the game, as fantastic as it was, there is room for improvement as is the case with all games.  The game was lacking in true dungeons, filled with monster battles and those iconic Zelda puzzles.

breath of the wild boss

While the Divine Beasts set a high bar for the Breath of the Wild sequel, and they provided a unique gameplay experience, many fans miss the classic dungeon exploring experience from traditional Zelda games. And one major thing that was missing was iconic boss battles. In the original game, each boss battle at the end of a Divine Beasts was a scourge, or curse, that provided a climactic finish. However, they were lacking in any sort of character and felt forgettable. In fact, it's hard to even distinguish between the different "blight" bosses, which is far different than previous Zelda games and their varied memorable boss battles.

The opportunity for the Breath of the Wild sequel to stand out from the original is there, including the return of Ganondorf and previous bosses. More detailed and classic-style dungeons with old-school bosses may be just the added element the new game needs to improve upon the masterpiece.

Ganondorf to Resurrect an Army

ganandorf or demise

The brilliant announcement trailer for the sequel to Breath of the Wild showed what looks like the return of Ganondorf. The creepy aesthetics are both horrifying and beautiful, showcasing what could be an epic battle between the iconic villain and Zelda and Link. Many believe that Ganandorf is the perfect villain for Breath of the Wild 2. Calamity Ganon was the name of villain for Breath of the Wild, and he was a disastrous antagonist indeed. Taking him down was quite the challenge, but it seems like Geruda form, Ganondorf, was hiding under the castle all along, and Zelda and Link stumble upon him in the sequel.

Ganondorf seems to be resurrected by an anonymous power, and it may be that he is using this power to resurrect an entire army in the Breath of the Wild sequel. The army could contain some of the powerful and iconic bosses from yore, including from games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and more, improving upon the dungeons and boss fights of the game. Where Breath of the Wild fits in the timeline is a bit confusing right now, as it seems to have easter eggs from many different games, but is possible that it somehow fits into multiple timelines in some sort of split timeline. After all, several fan-favorite bosses have appeared in more thn one title, so having bosses from many different games would fit right in with the fact that Breath of the Wild already has locations from games like Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword.

Favorite Bosses that Could Return

gohdan wind waker

There are many amazing bosses in The Legend of Zelda series. In building up his diabolical army, Ganondorf could pull from all of these legendary enemies so that Link would need to fight against them yet again. Fans could appreciate dueling these nemeses, and Nintendo could alter the fights to make it match the Breath of the Wild gameplay.

Gohdan, from Wind Waker, would be an excellent choice to return. Since Breath of the Wild is a game with many mechanical enemies, Gohdan feels like a perfect fit. Wind Waker has some of the best combat in Zelda, and the Breath of the Wild combat also would translate to the boss battle for Gohdan. It is true that Gohdan was only there to test Link in Wind Waker, so him returning under Ganondorf's control would not be the same as how Link fought him in Wind Waker. However, it would be an interesting fight and something that would be fun to bring back.

RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Release Date A Long Way Off

Koloktos is from Skyward Sword, one of the least favorite games of many fans. However, the boss battles in the game were certainly memorable. Fighting Koloktos was unique because it was only defeated by slicing off each of its arms. Precision swordplay was required with the Wiimote, but alterations in the gameplay can definitely be made with Breath of the Wild to make a return of Koloktos possible.

Volvagia may be one of the most difficult bosses from Ocarina of Time. The final fight in OOT may be the iconic one, but the Fire Temple battle was remarkable. Fighting the flying dragon and dodging his homing attacks is very hard, but a blast. A Volvagia return, and a Fire Temple remake of a sort in glorious HD with a Breath of the Wild sequel could be beautiful, challenging, and rewarding.

ocarina of time gohma

Gohma is another Ocarina of Time boss that is impossible to forget. The creepy spider drops down from the ceiling and bounces on Link with ferocity and fierceness. Breath of the Wild dipped its toes with some "horror" elements with the lost woods, but it would be very cool to see the sequel do some more of this. The trailer was very creepy, and in many ways, it is fair to say that the Breath of the Wild sequel will be the darker and be like what Majora's Mask was to Ocarina of Time, a darker and creepier sequel. Gohma would be a perfect boss for a dark and spine-chilling forest-temple in the new Zelda title.

Stallord was one of the most unique boss battles in Zelda history. The Twilight Princess bosses were all special, including Argorok, which had Link flying through the sky. Stallord was cool because Link used the Spinner to fight the undead beast, but it would definitely be possible for the boss to return in the Breath of the Wild sequel and have Link fight him without the Twilight Princess gadget.

Helmasaur King is one of the most iconic bosses from the 2D era and could easily translate to a 3D Zelda game. The dinosaur-like boss had a large skull-like helmet on that needed to be destroyed before Link could do massive damage. This same gameplay mechanic would be easy to pull off in the new Zelda game.

There are countless iconic Zelda bosses that Ganondorf could resurrect and wreak havoc with on Hyrule if he so chooses. Link would have to be at his best to fend off the best bosses of all-time. There are also rumors that Zelda is playable in BOTW2, which would certainly help in fighting off these ferocious monsters.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is currently in development.

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