There isn’t a lot of information available onThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2besides the fact that it is currently in development. With only a trailer (and a handful of behind-the-scenes concept art of the trailer), Nintendo fans are still waiting on more news for the next entry in one of the biggest video game franchises of all time. When the company announced the sequel at E3 2019, it gave no release date and didn’t even hint at a possible window.

Still, given Nintendo’s history and everything that is currently known aboutThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2,it’s fair to have the prediction that the highly anticipated title should be arriving sometime in 2021 for the Nintendo Switch. The game’s release date has been a topic of notable discussion, but there are a few things backing up the idea that it is coming out next year. Even after considering the fact that there were job listings for the newLegend of Zeldagame discovered around the time of the game’s announcement, a 2021 release year still seems likely.

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In order to fully understand why 2021 is a viable year for the game’s release, a little context regarding the history of theLegend of Zeldafranchise is needed. The release dates of previous games in the series can help solidify some sort of idea as to when fans can expect the newest game.

Nintendo’s Pattern of Releasing Zelda Games

legend of zelda breath of the wild wind waker remake

In the two decades since the release ofThe Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Timeon the N64 back in 1998, Nintendo has only had seven non-consecutive years in which it didn’t release a new game in the series. It also developed an average of releasing around two games (usually one for console and one for handheld platforms) every two years. Looking at the last two entries alone backs up this trend.Link’s Awakeningwas released in 2019 whileThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wildcame out two years before in 2017.

It should be noted that, in these past two decades, the franchise has seen a bunch of remakes and remasters of previous games in the series so there hasn’t been a brand new game each time.Link’s Awakeningis also a remake of the 1993 Game Boy game and was developed by Grezzo, the studio responsible for many of Nintendo’s remasters and remakes.

Nintendo’s internal studios have been handling the mainlineLegend of Zelda games, and beforeLegend of Zelda Breath of the Wildin 2017, Nintendo put outTri Force Heroesfor the 3DS in 2015,A Link Between Worldson the 3DS in 2013, andSkyward Swordfor the Wii in 2011. That pattern alone should make fans feel just a little excited.

2021 Zelda Rumors

The Legend of Zelda Link

Another driving factor behind the idea thatThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild2 will be released in 2021 comes from Twitter user and frequent news breaker Sabi who has had two different sources give two different release years for the upcoming title. The first source Sabi had spoken too, shortly after the reveal of the game at E3 2019, had claimed that the game is currently slated for release later this year.

This isn’t the first time that predictions have placed the newLegend of Zeldagame within the same year as the launch of the PS5 and Xbox Series X. However, a more conservative source estimated that the new Zelda game would be arriving in 2021 which Sabi seemed confident in as well. Notably, Sabi often reminds their followers how proneLegend of Zeldagames have historically become to delays, both internally and publicly.

Breath of the Wild 2 isn’t Built From Scratch


Perhaps the most significant confirmed piece of information regardingThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2’srelease year comes from the fact that the game is a sequel and therefore would not be starting from scratch. Nintendo producer Eiji Aonuma confirmed, after E3 2019, that the sequel will have an updated map from Breath of the Wild,filled with new dungeons, puzzles, and areas to explore.

Though it is comparable to this old example, this development cycle is reminiscent of the creation ofMajora’s Maskwhich retooled every asset and system fromOcarina of Timein order to make a new game as quickly (and as spooky) as possible. That game ended up coming out just two years after its source material so the fact that the sequel toBreath of the Wildhas a basis to start from means Nintendo should save some time on development.

In any case, fans ofThe Legend of Zeldafranchise will have to wait until the next big information drop which is likely to come during a Nintendo Direct at some point. That being said, 2021 now seems like it’s just around the corner so fans at least don’t have to wait too long.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2is currently in development.

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