Although Link from theLegend of Zeldaseries is one of the most recognizable characters ever - with his typically green tunic, his elf ears, and his iconic scabbard carrying the legendary Master Sword - it’s still easy to forget the fact that each newZeldagame sometimes brings with it a refresh of all the central characters as fans know them. Indeed Link, Zelda, and Ganon/Ganondorf all have several iterations that represent different points and eras in theLegend of Zeldatimeline. That isn’t to say that the different versions of these characters have never made it outside their first game, though.

While Nintendo does enjoy refreshing these characters with a new game every now and then,Zeldagames that have served as sequels typically carry over the same characters from the preceding title, which is the case for the upcoming sequel toThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.With the secondBreath of the Wildcoming out eventually, it’s worth taking a look at how Link got to this point, with a retrospective that analyzes the many versions of Link throughout the iconic Nintendo franchise. Here is a history of Link, as presented by the official timeline ofThe Legend of Zelda.

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The Beginning of the Zelda Timeline


The first appearance of Link on the officialLegend of Zeldatimeline is fromSkyward Sword.In the game, Link is known to be a knight who has trained above the clouds on the floating island of Skyloft for as long as he can remember. Interestingly, while Link and Zelda have had a somewhat vaguely romantic relationship throughout the entirety of the series, they’re usually painted as just a princess with her bodyguard. InSkyward Sword,however, it seems that Link actually loves her as more than just someone he’s trying to protect, which motivates him to rescue her in the game.

Skyward Sword’sLink also appears to be on the taller side compared to other iterations of Link throughout the series, especially Link from Breath of the Wild.This could be due to the fact that he’s from Skyloft, as the taller one is, the easier they can potentially maneuver around the clouds. He is also able to masterfully pilot loftwings (the giant birds of the game). Link fromThe Minish CapandFour Swords,on the other hand, is tiny by anyone’s standards.

The Minish CapandFour Swordsare another pair of games in which the characters from the first game appear in the second, with no Nintendo-style refresh mixing things up. In these games, Link Minish people (called the Picori by the Hylians), which are tiny mice-like people that inhabit the grasslands and various aspects of the forest. Although he’s the smallest Link of the franchise, he might also be the most powerful among them, at least in terms of weight vs. power. In his shrunken state, Link is able to dodge raindrops, destroy the body parts of bigger enemies, and can even lift objects that are several times his size.

The most recognizable iteration of Link though, comes from Ocarina of Time,which falls at the base of the fork that splits theLegend of Zeldatimeline into three separate lines. The Hero of Time, as he is generally referred to, has two forms in the game - Young Link and Adult Link. After Link removes the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time, he awakens seven years later to find Hyrule in the grip of the evil Ganondorf. Traveling in between childhood and adulthood, Link must stop Ganondorf’s evil ways once and for all, but the timeline shows how he might’ve failed.

The Hero is Defeated Timeline

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Link Ganon

There are a series ofLegend of Zeldagames that take place specifically after the alternate timeline where Link is defeated by Ganondorf, starting withA Link to the Past.This version of Link appears to be the most experienced of them, as he is the protagonist of fourZeldagames -A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons & Ages,andLink’s Awakening.Due to him being in all of these games, he has more than likely defeated the most number of enemies and bosses in comparison to the other versions of Link, and is therefore, arguably, the wisest.

Taking place after those games are the original Legend of Zelda games for the NES -The Legend of ZeldaandThe Adventure of Link.Interestingly, these two games mark the only time when a character is reincarnated with the release of a direct sequel. In the two games, Link ends up saving two different versions of Princess Zelda, once when she was kidnapped by Ganon and the second being when she was put into a deep slumber by the magician hired by the Prince of Hyrule (who also sets the decree that all women born into the royal family of Hyrule must bear the name Zelda).

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The Hero is Successful

Legend Of Zelda Characters

There are two timelines that follow the success of the Hero of Time after he defeats Ganondorf - the child and adult timeline. In the child timeline, after the events ofOcarina of Time,Young Link goes on to start the events of Majora's Mask,where he must utilize different masks in order to shapeshift into more capable forms, thus helping the area of Termina from impending destruction by the angry-faced moon. Interestingly, after the events of the game, Young Link leaves Termina never to be heard from again. His spirit would later transform into the Hero’s Shade found inTwilight Princess.

In that game, it’s confirmed that Young Link died and became the Hero’s Shade when the Link of that game meets with him.Twilight Princess’Link is also fairly strong, like the other versions of him, as he was able to lift a giant Goron with relative ease.Four Swords Adventurestakes place a hundred years after Twilight Princess and features Link in a similar fashion as the one found in the originalFour Swords.

The adult timeline is whereWind Waker, Phantom Hourglass,andSpirit Trackstake place. While all three games feature the same cel-shaded style of Link, only the first two games feature the same characters (Spirit Trackstakes place 100 years after the first two games).Wind Wakerintroduces the Hero of Winds and is likely the youngest version of Link yet. Link and Zelda in these games have a more platonic relationship than in previous games.

Nintendo has stated thatBreath of the Wild fits under every timeline, butBreath of the Wild 2is bound to reveal more definitive information. The Hero of the Wild is clearly the most well-traveled and has more of a personality than previous versions of Link, but he also wouldn’t exist without Nintendo constantly reshaping how the character looks and feels. UntilBotW 2comes out, this is pretty much everything that is currently known about the iconic hero.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is in development for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Explaining the Legend of Zelda Timelines, and Where Breath of the Wild Fits