There could potentially be more info put out by Nintendo on the status ofThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2sometime this year. Though the highly anticipated title was revealed at E3 2019, there's still likely a length wait until its release, but an update this year is still likely to come simply because of the popularity of, not only the franchise, but the game itself. So, the sequel to the hit 2017 Nintendo Switch launch title,The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild,is bound to have a few gameplay updates of its own.

With just one trailer and very few design documents that are public (which are from the earliest stages of the game’s development), Nintendo may try to show at least one new trailer this year to satiate fans. Such a trailer, which would presumably be longer than the reveal trailer, would most likely show off hints of changes in the gameplay if it does not show live gameplay at all. Nintendo producer Eiji Aonuma once stated that he was inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2's world building, so there might be some kind of subtle design connection between the two titles potentially reflected in a new trailer.

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It is clear thatThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2is going to heavily iterate on what made the original 2017 title resonate with fans so much. Though The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is considered a masterpiece by critics and was enormously successful at over 14 million units sold (as of September 30, 2019), the game still has a few areas in need of tweaking including some elements from previous games in the franchise that should be implemented.

In the story ofThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild,Link wakes up 100 years after the battle that led to the fall of Hyrule. One of his objectives after his big nap was to avenge the fallen champions that were recruited to aid him in his fight against the evil manifestation Ganon. With their souls trapped on board the rogue divine beasts that they once piloted, Link has to figure out a way to get to them and defeat the remnants of Ganon that holds influence over the beasts, saving his friends in the process.

zelda divine beast naboris

The four divine beasts, which could basically be found on the four corners of the game world, are giant autonomous mechanical structures shaped after various animals. They act as the main dungeons in the game and have puzzles the size of the beasts themselves. Though the four beasts are located in four different climates and environments, their structure of puzzles is largely the same. Link has to use the beast’s features, even moving it entirely on its axis, in order to progress through certain puzzles. This differs from the types of dungeons found in older Legend of Zelda games.

One of the most notorious dungeons inLegend of Zeldahistory is the water temple found inOcarina of Time,which infamously had a room the player could get stuck in and never progress (on the N64 version). Though fans would probably be happy to not have that return, the idea of dungeons based off of the elements and nature is one that was frequently used in the franchise and one that would work well inBreath of the Wild 2.

zelda ocarina water temple

An intricately built water dungeon in Zora’s Domain, as opposed to another divine beast-like dungeon, would suit the game well. If other dungeons based off of other elements in the game world were to connect with each other in some sort of way (similarly to how the champions aim their lasers at Ganon at Hyrule Castle in the original title), it could potentially make the entire game world a dungeon. Regarding other parts of the game that could be tweaked, though Link is able to swim, his ability to do so is limited to the surface. Underwater sections have obviously been in previousLegend of Zeldagames so it is not a stretch to imagine a wholly new level of exploration being added in.

More information on the sequel is likely to be released sometime this year. As with many of Nintendo’s upcoming blockbusters, all fans have to do is wait.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2is currently in development.

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