
  • Ocarina of Time impacted the franchise by transforming Ganon into Ganondorf, adding depth and motivation to the series' main villain.
  • The Wind Waker humanized Ganondorf, exploring his tragic backstory and solidifying him as one of the best antagonists in the Zelda franchise.
  • Skyward Sword introduced Lord Ghirahim, a unique and entertaining antagonist who stands out among the best villains in the series.

The Legend of Zelda series has what is arguably one of the best collections of villains in gaming history. Not only is this where Ganondorf – one of the most iconic fictional bad guys ever created – comes from, but the series is also home to a good number of other memorable antagonists that Link has faced throughout the years.

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Link is one of the greatest heroes of Hyrule, so it's no surprise that he holds some incredible achievements over his years as an icon.

But every entry in the Legend of Zelda series is special, and so are its antagonists. Whether it’s because of their designs, motivations, boss battles, or the dynamic they share with certain characters, some of the villain rosters in this franchise are way better than others. But which game has the definitive best one?

8 The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

Carried By Its Impact On The Rest Of The Franchise (And The Entire Industry)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64 , GameCube
November 21, 1998
Action , Adventure

While most of the mainline Legend of Zelda titles usually have two or more villains working together, the most important entry in the series features just one big bad: Ganondorf. That said, he does get help from memorable bosses, like Dark Link, Phantom Ganon, and Twinrova.

Ocarina Of Time was a turning point for the franchise since it changed the brainless monster Ganon into Ganondorf, a humanlike character with actual motivation and personality. He’s really intimidating, so the prospect of defeating him is what drives the player forward throughout the entire adventure. This version of Ganondorf would influence the stories of all the subsequent games in this franchise.

7 The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker

A New And Improved Ganondorf

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

March 24, 2003
Nintendo EAD
Action , Adventure

The Wind Waker was the next Legend of Zelda game to have Ganondorf as its main antagonist, so it only makes sense that Nintendo saw this as an opportunity to improve his character. This time, the player gets to know more about the tragic backstory that drove him to try to conquer Hyrule, which makes him much easier to empathize with.

Similarly to Ocarina Of Time, Ganondorf is the sole villain of The Wind Waker, with the only exception being his own minions, like The Helmaroc King or his two doppelgangers, Phantom Ganon and Puppet Ganon. Ganondorf himself doesn’t even show up until the end of the game, but the impact he makes on the narrative is so big that he is still remembered as one of the best antagonists of the entire franchise to this day.

A Wacky Villain Who’s Working For A Tragic Villain

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

November 22, 2013
Nintendo EAD
Action , Adventure

The main villain of A Link Between Worlds is Yuga, an evil sorcerer who's trying to steal the Triforce from Hyrule. While he’s actually a wacky character that really stands out, he seems to be a bit derivative from other bad guys from previous installments, like Zant or Ghirahim.

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But Yuga is still an entertaining antagonist, and his backstory makes him even more interesting because he’s a servant of Princess Hilda, the monarch of Lorule who wants to restore her kingdom after they lost their own Triforce. So the maniacal Yuga has been working for this tragic princess all along, even if he eventually ends up betraying her in order to try and resurrect Ganon with his newfound power.

5 The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Best Villains In The Franchise

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

November 20, 2011
Action , Adventure

The plot of Skyward Sword introduces two new villains: The Demon King, Demise, and his sword spirit and loyal minion, Lord Ghirahim. Demise is quite intimidating, and his defeat influences the events in the rest of the franchise’s timeline. But his brief appearance and lack of personality mean he pales in comparison to his servant. Both of them are assisted by some memorable bosses, like Koloktos or Moldarach.

Lord Ghirahim is the true star of this show, and he definitely is one of the best antagonists in the entire franchise. When he was introduced, there were no other Legend of Zelda villains like Ghirahim. He's goofy and funny yet also deadly and intimidating. His presence enhances the entire game’s story, and his dynamic with Link is really fun to watch.

4 The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

The Darkest Villain And The Goofiest Villain Appear In The Same Game

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

May 12, 2023

Tears of the Kingdom features what is arguably the best iteration of Ganondorf, a truly evil villain who manipulates everything behind the scenes and whose dark presence is felt all throughout Hyrule. This is especially because of the recurring appearances of his powerful minions, like the Gloom Hands and Phantom Ganon.

But the open-ended nature of this game means that not every single plot beat has to revolve around Ganondorf, which leads to the appearance of the great Master Kohga. There’s an entire subplot that is centered on Link facing the entire Yiga Clan within The Depths. Master Kohga himself is a really goofy and hilarious antagonist, so his presence helps to alleviate some of the heavier moments in this narrative.

3 The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

A Lonely Kid Who Was Manipulated By An Evil Entity

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Nintendo 64 , GameCube
October 26, 2000
Nintendo EAD
Action , Adventure

Majora’s Mask is one of the darkest entries in the series, so it’s no surprise that the main villains of this game follow through. Skull Kid was just a lonely child who was saddened by the departure of his friends, the Four Giants. Even though he later befriended the fairies Tatl and Tael, everything went wrong when he stole the infamous Majora’s Mask and fell victim to its influence.

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While it’s arguable that Skull Kid wearing Majora’s Mask is the main antagonist of this game, these are two distinctly different characters with a fascinating dynamic: Skull Kid is a tragic figure that was manipulated by the mask, which is said to be one of the most evil entities in the entire franchise. This is eventually proven to be true by the fact that it tried to destroy all of Termina by dropping the moon on it.

2 The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess

A Great New Villain And Ganondorf Working Together

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

GameCube , Wii
November 19, 2006
Nintendo EAD
Action , Adventure

The dynamic between Demise and Ghirahim in Skyward Sword was solid, but it would’ve been way better if the Demon King was replaced by an actual incarnation of Ganondorf instead. And this is what happened in the mainline title that came before, Twilight Princess.

The main villain of this game is Zant, the self-proclaimed King of Twilight. He initially presents himself as a calm manipulator but eventually reveals how unhinged he truly is, which makes him one of the most interesting antagonists of the franchise. By the end of the game, it is revealed that he has been working for Ganondorf all along, who returns in one of his most memorable and intimidating appearances. While Zant is the better villain of the two, this duo of bad guys is definitely one of the best that ever graced The Legend of Zelda.

Lastly, there's also a secondary antagonist in the form of King Bulblin who, despite the fact that he doesn't have much of a personality, is responsible for one of the most legendary moments in the game: when he kidnaps some of the children of Oldon Village, and Link has to stop him in an epic duel on the Bridge of Eldin.

1 Hyrule Warriors

All The Best Villains In The Franchise In One Game

Hyrule Warriors

Switch , Nintendo Wii U
September 26, 2014
Team Ninja , Omega Force

As a hack-and-slash spin-off, Hyrule Warriors is a gigantic fan service game with multiple playable characters that come from all the previous installments. Obviously, this means that it doesn’t really have the most complex plot in the franchise, but it more than makes up for it with the shared appearance of most of the previous villains in the same game, which is an incredible feat that will appeal to longtime fans.

Hyrule Warriors strikes a nice balance between old and new. While it has a few fun new villains, like Cia or Volga, the reappearance of old villains is where this spin-off truly shines. Characters like Zant or Ghirahim appear as antagonists at different points in the game, and Ganondorf himself is resuscitated by the end of the story. Subsequent DLCs and re-releases even added other bad guys, like Skull Kid and Yuga, and the best part of this is that they’re all playable. This makes Hyrule Warriors the best installment for fans of The Legend of Zelda's villains.

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