
  • The casting of Link in The Legend of Zelda movie is crucial and will heavily impact its quality and success.
  • Link should be portrayed in a way that retains his identity and authenticity, avoiding being overshadowed by a big-name actor.
  • The actor playing Link must live up to his legendary status and capture his character's essence to do justice to the iconic hero of the series.

The casting of Link in The Legend of Zelda movie will be one of its most consequential decisions, having a heavy impact on its quality. Since The Legend of Zelda has never had a proper film adaptation, only a few animated excursions, there is not a lot of precedent to work off of. When it comes to casting and characterizing Link, there are a lot of factors that will need to be taken into account, and Nintendo and the film crew will likely be aware of this. The end result could elevate the movie, or instantly damage it.

The announcement of the planned live-action Legend of Zelda movie was a surprise, but recent events explain how it came to pass. The success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie can be looked at as a possible reason for Nintendo to step into the world of film once more, especially with one of their most valuable properties. Considering how many games are in the series, many of which are remarkably influential, it's hard to know what elements will ultimately be used to put together the story. While the version of Hyrule and the elements within are all important, the movie cannot succeed without an excellent Link.

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Twilight Princess Midna Leaning on Link

There's an argument for Link to be silent in the Zelda movie, because he has always been a silent hero in the games with the exception of the Phillips CD-i games. Even if he isn't fully silent, it would be good to cast Link with an actor who can convey a lot of thoughts and emotions without speaking much. A lot can be shown through body language, facial expressions, and so on, as Link himself has shown throughout the Legend of Zelda series. To really embody the character, Link should be able to say a lot without speaking, and his actor should replicate that.

Link preparing to draw the damaged Master Sword in a cutscene from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

A significant danger of Link's casting is that the Legend of Zelda movie could change Link's perception as a character. For this reason, the producers shouldn't immediately leap to cast a major A-list actor in his role. If they do, there's a risk that Link could end up falling into that actor's usual niches and being just another one of their roles rather than his own unique character. For example, Deadshot in Suicide Squad was criticized for this when that film first came out. Attaching a big name to Link for the sake of publicity wouldn't do him justice in the long run.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom crouched Link scouting

Link's legendary status makes his portrayal vitally important for the movie. Through Link's many reincarnations in The Legend of Zelda, he has become one of the most famous and influential heroes in gaming, perhaps second only to Mario. With the upcoming Legend of Zelda movie being his first film appearance, the right actor is vital in order to do proper justice to the character. An improper or poorly-acted portrayal would feel like an insult for the first appearance of Link on the big screen, and it would severely harm the chances of another film being made. A character of Link's caliber needs an actor that's up to the challenge.

For a series with so much history, it's easy to see that The Legend of Zelda is a game series that deserves a movie. However, for the same reason, that film will need to be excellent, including its casting of Link. The Legend of Zelda has largely been confined to the games and the comics based on them, so the film is a rare opportunity for the franchise, and one that shouldn't be wasted. Alongside Zelda herself, Link's casting in The Legend of Zelda movie will have a major role in whether it succeeds or fails.