Nintendo announces that the female character Linkle could appear in future Legend of Zelda titles outside of the action game Hyrule Warriors Legends.

IGN recently held an email interview with Nintendo producer Eiji Aonuma, in which the pop culture media outlet asked him about the impact Linkle will have on The Legend of Zelda as a whole, prompting Aonuma to respond that she has the potential to appear in more upcoming games in the series. More specifically, when discussing The Legend of Zelda franchise and her involvement, he said, “I'm sure we will keep her in mind when thinking about future titles.”

For the uninitiated, Linkle was added as a playable character to the soon-to-be released Dynasty Warriors-inspired Hyrule Warriors Legends as a female Link. Not only will the dual crossbow-wielding Linkle be available in the action game's 3DS version, but she can also be unlocked and transferred to the Wii U's Hyrule Warriors port.

As far as Linkle's overall attributes and inclusion in The Legend of Zelda universe go, Aonuma has expressed excitement. Regarding the matter, the Nintendo producer said:

“I had a chance to give feedback on Linkle during development, but the satisfying action of using a crossbow, which we developed for the spinoff title Link's Crossbow Training , was implemented this time completely by Koei Tecmo.

“It may feel a little different from other titles in the franchise, but she doesn’t feel out of place at all in the world of the Zelda games.”

Of course, while Aonuma's statements insinuate the probability of Linkle being featured in as-of-yet undeveloped titles in the franchise, the comments are not definitive in the slightest. And unless Nintendo is planning on adding her as an ancillary character to Zelda for the Wii U — which wouldn't be completely terrible if she's not simply shoehorned in — Linkle's story is probably the furthest thing from developers' minds. Aonuma and his team are more than likely contemplating all of the substance that will need to be added in order to fill the upcoming game's open world.

At any rate, should fans keep an open mind and allow their suspension of disbelief to extend to the series' canon, a Legend of Zelda game with Linkle as the protagonist could be just the shot in the arm the franchise needs. If anything, the change in main characters might provide fans with a fresh take and unique perspective on the series as a whole. Perhaps Final Fantasy 15's director Hajime Tabata will one day get his wish to make a Zelda game, and end up wowing everyone with Linkle as the main character. Who knows? Stranger things have happened.

What do you think about the possibility of Linkle making an appearance in future The Legend of Zelda titles? Do you believe her presence will help or hinder the franchise in the long run? Let us know in the comments below.

While it's still unclear as to the capacity in which Linkle could support future games in The Legend of Zelda franchise, she can be found in the upcoming Hyrule Warriors Legends for the Nintendo 3DS on March 25, 2016.

Source: IGN