Although many hardcore Nintendo fans saw the end credits of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild weeks ago at this point, the community isn't anywhere near finished with the game yet. The open world environment is full of opportunities for bizarre stunts (including this shield/bomb jump) and players continue to share their impressive feats with gameplay videos on a daily basis. The latest show-off to spark attention is a player who manages to parry an attack from over a mountain away from their enemy.

The incredibly talented Breath of the Wild player starts the stunt out by crossing a field and climbing a mountain range to put a ton of distance between Link and the stationary guardian below. What ensues is a series of incredibly well-aimed bow and arrow attacks and then a set of perfectly timed parries.

Check out the impressive stunt below...

Perfectly nailing the long distance bow and attack attack may actually be more impressive than the parry itself considering the distance between Link and the enemy below. The accuracy of both shots makes it look easy, but trying to recreate this attack is an exercise in extreme frustration for players who haven't mastered the maneuver. The player also makes the parry look like it's as easy as the click of a button, but gamers who have player a lot of Breath of the Wild are definitely aware that the timing on a parry needs to be perfect to deflect the attack. Pulling that off from this distance is something that takes a lot of practice and very fast reflexes.

What do you think of this long-distance stunt? Do you have the timing to pull it off? Let us know in the comments.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now on Nintendo Switch and Wii U.