Many entries in The Legend of Zelda aren't just defined by Link as a protagonist, but by some form of companion that travels with him. Twilight Princess has Midna, Skyward Sword has Fi, Ocarina of Time has Navi, and so on. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a little different. Aside from brief moments where he teams up with other characters or has flashbacks to his time with Zelda and the Champions, Link is pretty much always on his own. He doesn't even have his trusty horse Epona; players gather their own horses from the wilderness. In that way, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be lonely.

Next year's Breath of the Wild sequel should consider changing that, as Link deserves a friend at his side throughout the game. Since it seems like Link won't meet many new characters in the sequel, and he might get separated from Zelda again, maybe a non-sentient companion is in order. Based on the first game's version of Hyrule, Nintendo should consider giving Link a dog in Breath of the Wild 2. Link has never teamed up with a dog in the long-term before, but Breath of the Wild has already broken a lot of Zelda precedents.

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A Pet Dog Would Fit Breath of the Wild 2


Breath of the Wild's context offers some valuable reasons Link should get a dog in the next game. For one, a dog would be an excellent new character to add to Breath of the Wild 2 that doesn't mess with the first game's continuity. Although the sequel clearly has a different villain in mind, being set in the Hyrule of the first game it'll likely feature many of the same NPCs. Since Link has explored Hyrule so thoroughly already, it'll be hard for Nintendo to justify adding new characters. A dog that Link befriends could bring all the charm and personality of a new character without needing a complicated backstory.

The aforementioned lack of Epona is another reason a dog could be of value in Breath of the Wild 2. Many Zelda fans lamented that Epona didn't make an appearance in BotW; unless players summon Epona using an amiibo. It seems likely BotW2 will reuse the first game's horse taming system, meaning there's no room for Epona. BotW2 also probably won't bring Skyward Sword's Loftwings back, since they haven't appeared in many thousands of years, which means Link is short on animal companions to have a real relationship with. A pet dog could bypass both horse taming and Loftwing lore issues to present a lovable new animal companion.

Beyond all that, fans really want to pet the dogs. When Breath of the Wild came out, lots of players enjoyed the fact that dogs could take a liking to Link and find items for him, but lamented that dog interaction didn't go any further. Link should be able to pet dogs in stables and towns, but he should also have his own dog that he can feed and play with. Hyrule is a vast place full of empty stretches of land, but it'd feel a lot less empty with a loyal dog at Link's side.

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A Dog's Potential Contributions to The Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Wii U

The mechanical applications of a dog in Breath of the Wild are obvious. For one thing, a dog could be a great help in combat, much like the iconic Dogmeat in Fallout. Link's new dog could be largely invincible but reliant on Link for guidance, attacking whomever he attacks or responding to certain commands. A dog could also share certain meals with Link, benefitting from a boost to damage, speed, or stealth provided by whatever Link eats. A dog could pin down some of Breath of the Wild 2's enemies for Link, freeing up his attention to fight other enemies or giving Link new opportunities to score a killing blow.

Exploration could also be a lot richer in Breath of the Wild 2 thanks to a dog. For instance, certain puzzles could be designed with a dog in mind; Link could command his sidekick to stand on pressure plates, push small objects into place, retrieve items, and so on. Certain segments could even see players take direct control of Link's dog in order to explore places where Link won't fit. As for Breath of the Wild's sky islands or other sections of the game where Link's dog can't go, it could find a place to wait until Link is on solid ground again.


Interacting with a dog to such an extent would undoubtedly be a huge change of pace for The Legend of Zelda, but the Breath of the Wild games are already such a major shift that a dog following Link around wouldn't be that strange. If anything, it only seems natural that someone else would explore alongside Link. If Link isn't traveling with Zelda like fans hope, then Nintendo would be wise to give Link a friendly dog as an ally who helps him along the way.

Breath of the Wild 2 remains a mystery in spite of how long it's been public knowledge. Nintendo seems very reticent to reveal information so far, instead assemblinh the game behind closed doors potentially leading up to a major reveal in 2022. It's hard to remain patient for a Breath of the Wild 2 Nintendo Direct, but the wait will also make upcoming reveals and surprises more satisfying. For now, everything still seems possible - including a dog companion for Link.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 releases in 2022 for Nintendo Switch.

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