After decades of industry-defining titles, The Legend of Zelda series has earned its place among the greatest in gaming history. One aspect of the series which often goes overlooked is its memorable bosses. These encounters often serve as the climax of a dungeon or storyline. They are rarely challenging, but they are nearly always satisfying. Most of these encounters fit a thematic and mechanical function within the game.

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However, a few also exist to accentuate the narrative, which is usually achieved by tying them into the game's lore. Such bosses can be incredibly satisfying to face because of this setup's additional narrative weight. The Legend of Zelda bosses with the best lore also tend to be a lot more memorable, as evidenced by the following examples.

6 Twinrova

Twinrova OOT

The twin witches Kotake and Koume first appeared in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was revealed that not only were both over 400 years old, but they had also once been the surrogate mothers of the game's primary antagonist, Ganondorf. Link first encountered them as a child when they were revealed as the mysterious masters of the Spirit Temple.

During this encounter, they would end up kidnapping Nabooru, whom they would later brainwash into becoming their minion. Link would finally put an end to Twinrova's schemes as an adult in what was easily one of the most memorable boss fights of the game. Twinrova would later reappear in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and the Oracle titles for Game Boy Color.

5 Volvagia


Players encountered Volvagia as the boss of the Fire Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. One thing that set him apart from most other bosses in the game was how much build-up he received before the player actually fights him. Most players first learned about him from Darunia's son, who reveals that Volvagia is a creature from ancient times who used to eat Gorons.

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He was eventually killed by a hero of the Gorons who used a hammer to defeat him. This both foreshadows the megaton hammer as the key item of the Fire Temple as well as the strategy that players will need to use to defeat the beast. It is also later revealed that Darunia is a descendant of the Goron Hero.

4 Ghirahim


One of the primary antagonists of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ghirahim is an agent working for the Demon King Demise. It is eventually revealed that he is the spirit of Demise's sword, making him a sort of dark counterpart to Fi.

This fact is actually cleverly foreshadowed both by his visual design which is very similar to Fi's and the fact that he shows up in the background of ancient art depicting the battle between Demise and the goddess Hylia.

3 Malladus


Malladus is the primary antagonist of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. According to the game's backstory, long before the people of the former kingdom of Hyrule settled in the lands that would become New Hyrule the people were terrorized by an evil being named Malladus. However, a resistance movement eventually rose up against him with the help of the land's spirits.

They were unable to kill Malladus but they were able to seal him under the ground with chains that extended throughout the land. It is eventually revealed that these chains are actually the train tracks that the player uses to traverse the overworld. Part of what makes this boss special is how his lore is integrated into that of the world itself and ties into one of the game's core mechanics.

2 Majora's Mask

Majora's Mask

When players were first introduced to the primary antagonist of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask they were confronted with an opponent unlike any throughout the series; one that did not care about conquering the world but simply aimed to cause destruction on a global scale. Shrouded in mystery, a few details about Majora's Mask are eventually revealed, like how it was originally created for hexing rituals by an ancient tribe.

Lost for untold centuries it eventually found its way into the hands of the Happy Mask Salesman, from which it was then stolen by the mischievous skull kid. It was clear that the mask was having some sort of negative influence on Skull Kid's actions but, nonetheless, it no doubt came as quite a shock to players when it was revealed that the Mask possessed a mind of its own when it discarded its host at the end of the game.

1 Ganon/ Ganondorf/ Demise

Ganon, Ganondorf, Demise

The ultimate villain of the Zelda series, it only makes sense that this is the antagonist with the most detailed lore in the entire series. Players first encountered Ganon as the primary antagonist of the first Legend of Zelda game on the NES. He would return in the third entry, The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, where it was revealed in the instruction manual that he had once been a human thief named Ganondorf. Players then got to experience this backstory in the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, at the end of which, Ganondorf transformed into the giant demon pig from the previous games.

Then in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword​​​​​​, it was shown that both Ganon and Ganondorf were simply incarnations of the Demon King Demise, the ultimate embodiment of evil in the Zelda universe. At the end of Skyward Sword, Demise creates a curse in which he will be eternally reborn to trouble the world and do battle with those with the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero, essentially setting in motion the events of the entire Zelda series.

This character has taken on additional forms as well, such as the Imprisoned from Skyward Sword, and Calamity Ganon from Breath of the Wild. While he can be defeated he can never be truly destroyed and will always inevitably return to bring destruction to Hyrule. Link has faced him in battle in one form or another countless times and doubtless will continue to do so in future installments.

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