
  • The Legend of Dragoon, a classic RPG from the PlayStation 1 era, is receiving an unofficial PC port with enhanced features such as 4K resolution and 60 frames per second gameplay.
  • The PC port, called "Severed Chains," is a labor of dedication by a team of modders who aim to reverse-engineer the game while pushing the boundaries of traditional emulation software.
  • The port includes features such as modding support, bug fixes, improved audio, accurate controller input, instant save, unlimited save slots, campaign customization, and more, promising an enhanced gaming experience.

The Legend of Dragoon, a 32-bit classic RPG from the PlayStation 1 era, is getting an unofficial PC port. This fan-made adaptation brings The Legend of Dragoon to PC screens with enhanced features, including support for 4K resolution and smooth 60 frames per second gameplay.

The Legend of Dragoon is a classic Japanese role-playing game developed by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation console. Released in 1999, it follows the journey of Dart as he seeks revenge on the Black Monster, who destroyed his hometown and killed his parents. Along the way, Dart encounters allies and battles the forces of evil threatening the world of Endiness. The game had an intricate storyline, strategic turn-based combat system, and was innovative because of its "Additions," which were timed button-pressing sequences that enhance attacks (now known as "quick time events").

The Legend of Dragoon: The 7 Best Places To Level Up

These are the best places for the players to level up in The Legend of Dragoon.

The project is called "Severed Chains," and according to its official site, it represents a labor of dedication by a team of modders who aimed to reverse-engineer The Legend of Dragoon for PC while pushing the boundaries of traditional emulation software. Unlike emulation, which mimics PS1 hardware, Severed Chains offers a rebuilt game engine that runs faster and leaner, delivering breakout modding capabilities. Currently, the project is focused on an upcoming major release, promising a significant graphics overhaul of this timeless PS1 RPG.

Features Included in The Legend of Dragoon PC Port

  • Modding API
  • Retail bug fixes
  • Higher-quality audio
  • More accurate controller input
  • Full mouse support in menus
  • Keyboard and controller input (1800+ controllers supported)
  • Near-0 loading times, instant save
  • Unlimited save slots
  • Campaigns
    • Separate saves for different playthroughs
    • Different settings and mods per campaign
  • Skip FMVs
  • 1-9999 item slots
  • Optional QOL changes:
    • No Dart
    • Solo/duo party
    • Save anywhere
    • Automatic additions
    • Automatic D-attacks
    • Quick text
    • Automatic text advance
    • Change combat menu colour
  • Editable game files
  • Dragoon XP (SP Tracker) in post-battle screen
  • Debuggers:
    • Map teleporting
    • Start any battle at any time
    • Choose what battle stage you want to fight on

The port for the lengthy Legend of Dragoon will introduce native 4K resolution, seamless 60 frames per second gameplay, fullscreen mode, and optional widescreen support. Leveraging the graphics card instead of relying solely on the CPU, this release aims to deliver substantial performance gains, ensuring smooth gameplay even on older machines or budget builds. Some of the highlighted features of the Severed Chains mod include higher-quality audio enhancements, quality-of-life improvements such as skip FMVs and automatic text advance, nearly instantaneous loading times, unlimited save slots, campaign customization with separate saves and settings, and more. The modders behind Severed Chains have prioritized the North American release of the Legend of Dragoon for compatibility. However, they have plans to explore support for other regional releases in the future.

The Legend of Dragoon PC Port

Despite these interesting new features, the modding team remains transparent about areas that require further development to achieve parity with retail versions and standard emulation. They addressed some current issues involving minor graphical bugs and minor audio bugs while also mentioning that this is a long-term project with many planned features, including hardware rendering and modding support. The Legend of Dragoon hasn't had an official remake yet, however, the fan-driven PC port promises to enhance the gaming experience.

The Legend of Dragoon
The Legend of Dragoon

Like many JRPGs from the nineties, The Legend of Dragoon takes place in a fantasy world and has players fighting against the forces of evil in an attempt to save the world. Though the initial response to the game was fairly lackluster, it has gone on to become a cult classic of sorts.

PS1 , PS5 , PS4
June 14, 2000
Sony Computer Entertainment