While Legend of Dragoon follows the classic trends of turn-based combat for RPGs, the Addition mechanic adds a level of rhythm action that helps make the gameplay unique. These Additions can reward players for learning the specific rhythms by increasing the damage and SP gains for each attack. This bonus to damage specifically can be an important part of defeating the toughest enemies, especially with the recent Legend of Dragoon port struggling to make some other forms of combat available.

Of course, not every Addition is made equally, and some stand out as better choices to improve combat all the way to the end of Legend of Dragoon. With many delivering a different balance of SP recovery, damage, and the length of the Additions themselves, there are plenty that stand out as the best options to take through to the end of any playthrough.

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legend of dragoon

Blazing Dynamo (Dart): Dart's final Addition is easily the best one that he can earn, as is the case for every other character. For any players trying to get the most out of their experience or looking to take on the toughest fights, this is one to work towards. However, given that every final Addition is unlocked by fully leveling each one that comes first, Dart's does take the longest to obtain since he has the most to grind through over the course of a playthrough. While there are better choices for leveling and using Dragoon form, the current state of the Legend of Dragoon port makes the higher damage the bigger priority.

Demon's Dance (Rose): Rose's choice of Additions all have their own pros and cons, especially when considering the SP recovery of other moves like More and More, which can give consistent access to Dragoon form. In the case of Demon's Dance, Rose's finale has the unique benefit of being the best for both damage and SP recovery. With only three others to grind up in order to obtain Demon's Dance, that also makes this one of the easier final Additions to unlock.

Flower Storm (Lavitz): Interestingly, the final Addition for Lavitz is the first one that players can unlock, possibly even earning this combo around the same time that players find his Dragoon Spirit. So, if players are looking to knock off some of Legend of Dragoon's more difficult trophies, picking Flower Storm up early can lead to having a much stronger Green Dragoon by the endgame when taking on the secret bosses.

Omni-Sweep (Haschel): Haschel comes relatively late to the group, joining the party near the end of the first disc. That being said, his combos can offer some of the best base damage for non-Dragoon attacks. So, leveling up to earn Omni Sweep can lead to some of the best examples of Legend of Dragoon's active combat system.

Perky Step (Meru): As one of the last characters to join the party, Meru's final Addition might take the most amount of grinding in order to get the 320 successful combos necessary to unlock. The result is that Perky Step might be the last Addition that players will get, and it isn't entirely likely that they'll get it while playing through the game more casually. All the same, for players who want to invest into Meru, this is a must-have by the time the endgame difficulty spikes come around.

Bone Crush (Kongol): The final fighter to join Dart and friends, Kongol is given the benefit of only having two Additions before getting his last one. This means that fans of a more casual JRPG adventure can easily unlock Bone Crush before reaching the endgame. Combine this with the fact that Bone Crush has Kongol's best damage output and SP recovery, and this is an obvious choice for anyone adding him to their active party.



Volcano (Dart): Outside of the final Additions that require a huge amount of grinding, the rest of the choices come down to a balance between ease of use, damage output, and SP recovery. While Volcano isn't Dart's best example of SP recovery, this early Addition is likely to be the first one that players will grind up to a high level, whether actively grinding or not. As a result, it offers the best base damage among any early-game Addition and can take players all the way through an entire playthrough. It also doesn't hurt that this is the most iconic Addition that players might hope to see in a future Legend of Dragoon remake.

Crush Dance (Dart): Crush Dance is a perfect example of an Addition that lands a strong balance between SP recovery and outright damage. In the late game, it can act as a replacement for the iconic Volcano, but it will likely require an investment to raise the newer Addition to the necessary level to compete with Dart's other combos. Either way, without accepting the extended grind for the final Additions, Crush Dance could easily be the best tool for any player by the time they reach the final boss.

Whip Smack (Rose): In rare form for the starting Additions throughout Legend of Dragoon, Rose's Whip Smack could easily be one of the best tools that the game gives her. It's a combo that is easy to master and gives moderate damage and SP recovery right from the moment Rose first joins the party.

Spinning Cane (Lavitz): An oddly useful attack from Lavitz, this is the second in his entire list of Additions. While there are others that might be more powerful or recover more SP, Spinning Cane is one of the easiest combos to master. Especially given the way that Spinning Cane can't be countered by enemies, this is one that players struggling to catch the rhythm of more complex Additions can use all the way through Legend of Dragoon's main storyline.

5-Ring Shattering (Haschel): The best Addition for Haschel outside of the reward for mastering all others is 5-Ring Shattering. Though it is a late-game Addition, as well as one of the more complex rhythms to master, the balance of damage and SP recovery makes learning the attack well worth the effort.

Hammer Spin (Meru): A relatively early Addition for Meru, Hammer Spin is a great option for anyone not looking to grind out all of her Additions for Perky Step. In fact, the ease of use, damage, and SP recovery make Meru one of the best characters to add to the party in general, for players looking for a more casual experience. Otherwise, Hammer Spin will likely be a fun stepping stone on the way to unlocking everything Meru brings to Legend of Dragoon stellar campaign.



Double Slash (Dart): The focal point of many challenge runs, Double Slash is a unique case for the starting Additions for most characters. Since Dart is the first character that players will control, it's likely that making his initial Addition so versatile was an intentional design to keep the game focused in the early hours. However, thanks to how well Double Slash performs in the early game, it is entirely possible to make it through the whole game with only this one basic Addition, though it isn't the best option for most playthroughs.

Burning Rush (Dart): More of a debate on what is the most important aspect of an Addition, Burning Rush comes short of being among the best due to the way that it focuses entirely on SP recovery. While this might be good for players looking to get the most out of the Dragoon aspect of Legend of Dragoon, this doesn't mean much for the majority of the game where Dart's standard form will be used more frequently. All the same, it does act as a solid tool for leveling Dragoon forms thanks to the higher SP recovery.

Rod Typhoon (Lavitz): Rod Typhoon could easily be one of Lavitz's best Additions if it wasn't for the difficulty involved with landing the rhythm of the combo, especially after being counterattacked. The damage and SP recovery are fairly well-leveled, though. So, for players that are better at tougher combos, Rod Typhoon can still be useful even into the late game.

Flurry of Styx (Haschel): With an impressive amount of damage for an early Addition, Haschel's Flurry of Styx is a decent choice for large portions of Legend of Dragoon. However, a severe lack of SP recovery keeps it from being counted among Haschel's best Additions in the game, even if the ease of use makes it highly accessible. On an interesting side note, the name Flurry of Styx is actually a mistranslation, as it should be Ferry of Styx to reference Charon the ferryman and the river Styx from Greek mythology.

Cool Boogie (Meru): While Cool Boogie is one of the best Additions for the sake of SP recovery in Legend of Dragoon, it sacrifices far too much damage to be useful outside of grinding. Given that Meru is late to join the party, however, the SP recovery of Cool Boogie can make grinding up her Dragoon Level much easier, keeping her a strong choice as an active party member later in the adventure. Still, this likely isn't going to be the best option for utilizing Meru in most combat encounters, especially for the bosses.

Inferno (Kongol): Unfortunately for latecomer Kongol, the enemy-turned-ally has many of his Additions pushed on him soon after he arrives to the party. With Inferno being the second combo that Kongol will learn, it does have a significant advantage over his starting Addition, Pursuit. This still only leaves Inferno as a temporary stepping stone to reach Bone Crush, which is orders of magnitude more useful.

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legend of dragoon rose dart

Moon Strike (Dart): Although at first glance Moon Strike might appear to be Dart's best Addition before unlocking Blazing Dynamo, this powerful combo falls short in two key areas. First, it has the worst SP recovery of any of Dart's Additions, meaning that relying on its strength makes the Dragoon form nearly unusable for any boss fights it's used in. Second, the complexity of the attack makes it much harder to get the most out of the damage consistently. So, Moon Strike is best farmed against random encounters as a part of the path to Blazing Dynamo and is not relied on for any playthrough of Legend of Dragoon.

Madness Hero (Dart): Madness Hero has the opposite problem of Moon Strike, offering incredible SP recovery at the cost of the regular damage that will be Dart's most common form of attacking. The problem is a lack of balance between either the normal and Dragoon forms, that only really lets one of these options shine at a time.

More and More (Rose): Although Rose appears early on in the story, she also has only a handful of Additions to learn. Unfortunately, More and More is one of the better Additions she learns, and it falls short of topping her other options due to a severe lack of damage in exchange for SP recovery. Hopefully, Rose's lacking list of Additions could be addressed if Legend of Dragoon ever gets the Remake treatment.

Gust of Wind Dance (Lavitz): Normally a powerful attack, Gust of Wind Dance is another attack by Lavitz that falls short thanks to being incredibly difficult to master. Though it does offer great damage and SP recovery, the risk of being counterattacked makes it a tough choice to bring into any kind of difficult fight that might need those benefits. Like many of the later Additions, this is best mastered quickly in order to unlock Lavitz's final combo, preferably before the end of Disc 1.

Double Punch (Haschel): The starting attack for Haschel, Double Punch is an attack that is best leveled quickly and replaced just as fast. While there's nothing particularly terrible about the attack, the martial artist Haschel gets so many better attacks that it makes little sense to hang onto this one.

Hex Hammer (Haschel): Hex Hammer is an attack that could easily be one of Haschel's best, given that it has one of the highest attack ratings in the game. However, the way that it leaves Haschel with little way of recovering SP, even when Hex Hammer is at max level, makes it a hard option to pick given how powerful the Dragoon forms can be. As a result, this Addition isn't the most exciting for Legend of Dragoon players to unlock before moving on to the character's final combo.

Cat's Cradle (Meru): As Meru's second-strongest attack, this could be a good choice in a casual playthrough that isn't looking to take the massive grind to unlock her final Addition. However, even in the context of the increased base attack, the lack of SP recovery makes Cat's Cradle a tough Addition to pick when compared to others that better balance Meru's utility in both regular and Dragoon forms.


Legend of Dragoon

Hard Blade (Rose): While Rose can be one of the most useful Dragoons thanks to having a unique ability to heal the party, her Additions leave her lacking during normal combat. Though Hard Blade appears to be a clear replacement for Whip Smack at first, the length of the attack and the lack of SP recovery makes it one to avoid in most fights. Players should instead grind up Demon's Dance if they want to see Rose be one of the best characters to choose to fill out their party.

Harpoon (Lavitz): It can be easy to write off a starting attack like Lavitz's Harpoon due to the lack of SP recovery and damage when compared to Additions earned later. Harpoon falls short in every way compared to even Lavitz's most complex and difficult Additions. With any luck, Legend of Dragoon's rumored Bluepoint remake might be able to give the progression of these early Additions more weight.

Summon Four Gods (Haschel): Haschel is a rare case among the party, in that his combat is pulled heavily away from fully utilizing his Dragoon form. Summon Four Gods is a perfect example of this because, while it is the SP recovery Min/Max for Haschel, it doesn't give nearly as much SP as similar attacks for other players. It's one of the few worse cases of Additions that can give the combat an apparent lack of depth for casual players that could currently be hurting the chances of getting a Legend of Dragoon remake in the future.

Double Smack (Meru): Dart and Rose's initial attacks are the only ones whose starting Additions carry any late-game weight. For Meru, Double Smack is nearly bad enough to make players write her off as a potential party member as soon as she joins. While keeping her around for a while longer can lead to players discovering one of the strongest characters in Legend of Dragoon, this starting Addition really doesn't do Meru any kind of justice.

Pursuit (Kongol): Knogol is unfortunately no exception to this same rule, as his initial Addition when joining the party does little to add to the depth of his combat. In fact, Kongol's whole utility in battle is something that should hopefully get worked on when looking to improve a Legend of Dragoon remake from the original title.

Legend of Dragoon is available now for PS1, PS3, PS4, and PS5.

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