In League of Legends: Wild Rift, Nautilus is an extremely powerful Champion on the rise in Win Rate and Play Rate. One of the biggest strengths of Nautilus is his flexibility when it comes to role selection. Enemies will sometimes have a hard time countering Nautilus because players won't be able to tell which role he was picked for until it's too late.

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However, players have been struggling more often than not to find success with Nautilus in roles other than Support. It's safe to say that when League of Legends: Wild Rift players run into Nautilus, 90%+ of the time he will be played in the Support role. However, this guide will explain how to deal with Nautilus in all of his playable roles, so players can be more prepared to face him.

Support Counters


Leagie of Legends Janna

Janna is a great Counter against Nautilus because she is one of the best disengage Champions. Nautilus relies on engaging into enemies using his heavy amounts of CC to lock down opponents and set up easy kills for his allies. Janna's Ultimate will push him and his entire team away while healing her allies to keep them safe. Her Q can also interrupt Nautilus' Q if timed properly, making Nautilus feel useless.


League of Legends Seraphine

Seraphine is a good Counter to Nautilus since she has great Poke Damage and Poke Champions naturally counter-engage champions in the Duo Lane. Seraphine will be able to stop Nautilus in his tracks with her E or Ultimate, and also poke him down with her Q. If Nautilus is hurt, it makes it much more dangerous for him to engage because, despite his tankiness, he can still be killed easily if he engages with less than 50% HP.


League of Legends Morgana

Morgana is a wonderful Counter against Nautilus since she's the only Champion in the game that can provide CC immunity to an ally with her E. All of Nautilus' offensive abilities are good because they have CC, but with Morgana negating it, Nautilus can't do much.

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League of Legends Rakan

Rakan is also pretty good at Countering Nautilus, due to his disengage, engage, and mobility potential. Rakan is an engage champion like Nautilus, but the major difference between the two is that Rakan has superior mobility. This gives Rakan the freedom to control the flow of the fight by deciding if he wants to be the engage or disengage. if Nautilus engages on an ally, Rakan can counter it with his E. If Nautilus waits to disengage, Rakan can hop out with his W. Rakan always has an answer to what Nautilus is trying to accomplish.

Top Lane Counters


League of Legends Vayne

Vayne counters most Top Lane Champions but is perfect at shutting down Nautilus. Nautilus doesn't have the damage or mobility to threaten lethal on Vayne, and she deals more damage to enemies with higher HP. Since Nautilus is an immobile Tank, Vayne will shred his defenses while kiting him, which will make Nautilus feel extremely helpless.


League of Legends Olaf

Olaf does extremely well against Nautilus since he has True Damage, Lifesteal, and CC Immunity. The True Damage works wonders against Tanks and the sustain from Olaf can become higher than Nautilus' damage output. This can make Olaf unkillable in a 1v1 against Nautilus. Lastly, Olaf's Ultimate Ability stops Nautilus from being able to hold him down for his allies to help out because Olaf can just run away easily.


League of Legends Singed

Singed is a great pick into most Tanks since his entire gameplan relies on the enemy chasing him. Nautilus is immobile and won't be able to keep up with Singed without taking tons of damage from his Q. Even if Nautilus manages to land his Q on Singed, he will be able to simply E Nautilus away from him and continue making Nautilus chase him. Singed's Ultimate Ability will make his Movement Speed too high for Nautilus to even try to keep up, making Singed an ideal pick against Nautilus.

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League of Legends Nasus

Nasus indirectly counters Nautilus because Nasus doesn't want to fight in the Early Game. He wants to farm safely and get stacks to scale into the Mid and Late Game. Nautilus doesn't have the damage to threaten Nasus, which will make him able to gain stacks comfortably. If a jungler tries to gank Nasus after he's level 5, Nasus will either escape or kill the jungler before he dies. This becomes extremely problematic for players because if Nasus is left unchecked, he is one of the most powerful Champions in the game.

Jungle Counters


League of Legends Kha'Zix

Kha'Zix is a great counter to Nautilus since he has the great dueling potential that Nautilus lacks. Nautilus excels at team fighting but Kha'Zix won't let Nautilus reach that stage of the game comfortably. Kha'Zix will have the freedom to invade Nautilus' jungle and steal his camps or even his buffs while solo killing him. This puts Nautilus in a herbivore jungle state, which is not where he wants to be. He wants to be able to gank but with Kha'Zix in his jungle consistently killing him with his Q, or hopping away over walls with his E, Nautilus can't do much about it.


League of Legends Amumu

Amumu is a very painful matchup for Nautilus since Amumu essentially does what Nautilus wants to do, but better. Nautilus wants to lock down enemies with his Q, E, and Ultimate. However, in a team fight involving Amumu, if they both were to clash, Amumu would do more damage, Tank nearly as much as Nautilus would, and be more useful in terms of team fighting capabilities. Amumu's W also deals damage based on Max HP, allowing him to slowly shred Nautilus if they were dueling one another. Amumu simply does Nautilus' job better than him, which is never a good thing to see for a Nautilus Player.

League of Legends: Wild Rift is available on Android and iOS devices.

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