In League of Legends: Wild Rift, there are vast numbers of Champions for players to choose from upon entering a match. Each champion excels at specific things while lacking in other areas, which leads players to combine specific types of Champions for efficiency. This is what most players refer to as a team composition.

However, being able to create certain team compositions with four strangers relies mostly on the player's knowledge of the subject. Being able to adapt to which champions have been picked and knowing which direction it will take the player's team is an invaluable skill. Here are some of the best compositions players can choose.

5 Pick Composition

League of Legends Ahri

This type of Composition is usually composed of multiple Assassins or Mages that deal large amounts of burst damage. This is the type of composition players will encounter the most in Ranked matches. This team composition is designed to catch out isolated targets and burst them down quickly. After swiftly disposing of a member of the enemy team, the numbers advantage in players will provide the edge needed to take down neutral objectives, such as Elemental Dragons, Rift Herald, Baron Nashor, or even Elder Dragon. The boons attained from claiming these neutral objectives will help players grasp victory quickly.

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However, the weakness of this composition is its feast or famine nature. Without taking an early lead, this composition will struggle, since it relies solely on damage as its win condition. Most Assassins and Mages also tend to fall off the longer the game drags out, which makes hoping for a comeback or playing from behind less than ideal.

4 Protect the Carry Composition

League of Legends Vayne

This type of composition is typically centered around a sole hyper-carry ADC (Attack Damage Carry) or APC (Ability Power Carry), while the rest of the team is filled with Tanks or other types of utility-based Champions. Having a Composition like this forces players to put all of their eggs in one basket, because if the carry dies, the team cannot function, and will probably lose the fight and or game, which is one of the main weaknesses of this Composition. The other weakness is that the Early Game phase will usually bring many difficulties, since Hyper Carries are the best in the Late Game.

However, if the carry excels, the enemy will feel as if they're fighting a Raid Boss in an MMORPG. The carry will be able to kill every member of the enemy team with ease when set up by their teammates. The enemy will naturally be on a time clock, because the longer the game drags out, the more destructive a Hyper Carry becomes. Once players using this composition have completed their item build, the game is essentially over for their enemies.

3 Split Push Composition

League of Legends Fiora

This type of Composition typically revolves around one duelist, a fighter, becoming so strong while pressuring a side lane that no one can beat them 1v1. This will force the enemy team to send two or more players to defend against this single champion. This allows a team using the split push composition to freely pressure for fights, neutral objectives, or even towers, due to the favorable numbers advantage.

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However, split pushing takes a lot of precision and map awareness by all five players to execute perfectly. If the split pusher can't get strong enough early on to become a huge threat, the entire team will suffer due to being forced to team fight, while being lackluster in doing so. If the split pusher tries to force their way into splitting while being weak, the enemy team will just force a fight 5v4 and potentially end the game. As strong as split pushing can be, it also has more weaknesses than most of the best types of team compositions.

2 Siege Composition

League of Legends Jayce

Siege Composition is based around long-range and poke damage. Together as a group, the team can continuously poke down the enemy's Health without fear of retaliation. This forces the enemy to either retreat and heal to give up the tower or try to fight against players with a huge health disadvantage. This comp excels at closing out games quickly, especially once a lead has been established in-game.

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Players using this composition will struggle against Tanks and Dive Champions. Poke damage won't do much to Tanks later on in the Mid to Late Game, and if the enemy can force a fight by diving before players get a chance to poke down the enemy, they will most likely lose.

1 Team Fighting Composition

League of Legends Malphite

This type of Composition is based on heroes that can easily engage or dive, while also having Tanks. Players will typically fight in a Front to Back play style and excel at staying grouped to win fights for neutral objectives. The enemy can opt to avoid team fighting against these kinds of Compositions; however, they will have no choice once Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon spawns. These neutral objectives are win conditions themselves, and the enemy will have to hope that they accomplished something else on the map, otherwise the game is pretty much won by the team using this composition.

The main weakness to this composition is being forced to separate because, players won't be able to execute their team fights perfectly with a member missing. So if the enemy is split pushing and players aren't in the position to engage 5v4, they will most likely send one or two members to go deal with the splitter. This is when this Composition becomes weaker — it will lose to nearly any other kind of Composition when separated.

League of Legends: Wild Rift is available on Android and iOS devices.MORE: League Of Legends: Wild Rift Best Fighter Builds