In League of Legends: Wild Rift, Fighters are damage dealing champions that can effectively build defensively without lowering their efficiency. They are often referred to as "Bruisers", which are somewhat like a secondary Tank that deals a lot of damage. They excel at long-lasting fights due to their sustained forms of damage and their superb defenses, making them able to take a lot of damage without dying.

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Also, quite a few LoL: Wild Rift Fighters are well known for their dueling capabilities, which makes most players want to avoid running into them alone in a side lane. All in all, these champions are extremely versatile when it comes to playstyles, so let's dive into the best Fighter builds in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

10 Renekton

League of Legends Renekton
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Mercury Treads Teleport Enchant
  • Black Cleaver
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Death's Dance
  • Guardian Angel
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, Sweet Tooth runes.

This build gives Renekton a lot of Attack Damage, Health, Life Steal, Ability Haste, and Armor Reduction, with a bit of Armor of Magic Resistance. Renekton excels in the Early Game, which makes Blade of the Ruined King such an excellent choice as the first item in this build, since it provides extra dueling potential, sustain, and on-hit damage.

The stun effect from Renekton's W allows him to easily stack Armor Reduction with the Black Cleaver, making him and the rest of his allies deal even more Physical Damage. The rest of the build gives Renekton the defenses he needs to dive the enemy backline, kill priority targets, or engage the frontline to protect his team.

9 Riven

League of Legends Riven
  • Black Cleaver
  • Death's Dance
  • Solari Chargeblade
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Mortal Reminder
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, and Sweet Tooth Runes.

This build provides Riven with a ton of Attack Damage, Life Steal, Armor Penetration, Armor Reduction, Ability Haste, and Critical Chance. These stats are exactly what Riven needs to cause havoc in team fights and become the nightmare of most Marksman.

Black Cleaver's Armor Reduction can be stacked extremely quickly with Riven's Q ability being woven in between auto attacks to pump out maximum amounts of damage. The sustain from Death's Dance works extremely well for Riven since a lot of her damage also comes from abilities.

8 Olaf

League of Legends Olaf
  • Trinity Force
  • Mercury Treads Glory Enchant
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Deadman's Plate
  • Spirit Visage
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune, combined with Triumph, Adaptive Carapace, and Mastermind Runes.

This build is very powerful on Olaf, giving him Attack Damage, Health, Armor, Ability Haste, and Magic Resistance. Trinity Force gives Olaf a large damage increase, alongside True Damage from his E ability making him an amazing duelist.

The rest of the build provides mostly extra durability, which allows Olaf to use his Ultimate Ability freely. He can also focus on any enemy without being stopped due to immunity to Crowd Control and the Movement Speed Boost.

7 Sett

League of Legends Sett
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads Teleport Enchant
  • Deadman's Plate
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Spirit Visage
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune, combined with Triumph, Regeneration, and Sweet Tooth Runes.

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This build gives champions like Sett frontline and diving potential, with all the sturdiness and damage he will have. The Attack Damage, Ability Haste, Armor, Health, and Magic Resistanceworks extremely well with his abilities.

Since Sett's W ability gives him a shield based on the recent damage received, being able to take a lot of damage is a wonderful boon. Then the Ability Haste lets Sett have faster access to all of his skills, making him even harder to take down in duels, skirmishes, or even team fights.

6 Garen

League of Legends Garen
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
  • Deadman's Plate
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Guardian Angel
  • Spirit Visage
  • Grasp of Undying Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, and Sweet Tooth runes.

This build couldn't be better for someone like Garen. Black Cleaver has a unique synergy with his E ability, making the Armor Reduction even higher and allowing it to easily stack to the max for himself and his allies.

When we also consider the Health, Armor, Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Magic Resistance, Garen will be able to frontline without fear while killing priority targets with his high damaging Ultimate Ability.

5 Darius

League of Legends Darius
  • Trinity Force
  • Mercury Treads Hextech Protobelt Enchant
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Death's Dance
  • Guardian Angel
  • Deadman's Plate
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Triumph, Hunter Titan, and Sweet Tooth runes.

This is a superior build for a Fighter such as Darius. The Attack Damage, Ability Haste, Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance are all very important stats for him. Trinity Force is perfect for Darius allowing him to stick onto targets with ease from the bonus Movement Speed special effect. He will be able to set up his Ultimate Ability and thrives with extended fights, which is where the sustain and durability from the build shines.

Once Darius gets a kill with his Ultimate Ability in a team fight, he has the potential to kill all five enemies in short succession due to the reset of the cooldown on his Ultimate Ability.

4 Fiora

League of Legends Fiora
  • Trinity Force
  • Mercury Treads Teleport Enchant
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Death's Dance
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Guardian Angel
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Bone Plating, and Sweet Tooth runes

This build is pretty potent for a Fighter like Fiora. The Attack Damage, Health, Magic Resistance, Armor, Attack Speed, and Life Steal are very useful for flanks, duels, and skirmishes.

Blade of the Ruined King is one of the best items for dueling, due to dealing bonus Max Health percentage damage on-hit and Life Steal. Trinity Force also has a unique synergy with Fiora's Q ability, since the effect activates from it.

3 Jax

League of Legends Jax
  • Trinity Force
  • Mercury Treads Teleport Enchant
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Death's Dance
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Guardian Angel
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Hunter Titan, and Mastermind runes.

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This build is great for Jax with all the Attack Damage, Life Steal, Ability Haste, Health, Magic Resistance, and Armor. Trinity Force makes Jax's W ability pack a huge punch, and it's one of the few abilities that work on towers, making him even better at split pushing.

The extra Life Steal from Blade of the Ruined King combined with Death's Dance and Jax's Ultimate Ability make him seem like a Tank due to the extra defenses his Ultimate gives him temporarily.

2 Jayce

League of Legends Jayce
  • Manamune
  • Mercury Treads Stasis Enchant
  • Black Cleaver
  • Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • Edge of Night
  • Guardian Angel
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Adaptive Force, Hunter Titan, and Sweet Tooth runes.

This build is particularly catered to a Fighter like Jayce since he is one of the few heroes that can maximize the efficiency of Manamune. The Attack Damage, Lethality, Armor Reduction, Ability Haste, Armor, Health, and Magic Resistance are all very useful stats for Jayce.

Manamune helps a lot with the high Mana costs of Jayce's abilities while also containing a lot of offensive potential with all the stacking of Attack Damage.

1 Camile

League of Legends Camille
  • Trinity Force
  • Mercury Treads Teleport Enchant
  • Guardian Angel
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Death's Dance
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Hunter Titan, and Mastermind runes.

This item build is especially strong for a Fighter such as Camille. The Armor, Life Steal, Health, Magic Resistance, Attack Damage, and Ability Haste lets Camille excel at dueling and skirmishes. Trinity Force enhances her Q damage while giving her Ability Haste, alongside Death's Dance's Ability Haste for lower cooldowns on her Ultimate and E ability. Her Ultimate is extremely useful in locking down priority targets by dealing percentage Health damage and creating an inescapable field for a few seconds.

League of Legends Wild Rift is available on Android and iOS devices.

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