One of the most underrated roles in the entire game of League Of Legends is the role taken by champions who go up to the top lane. This is a fairly boring role to play in the game and the champions that are most well suited to that role are generally champions that are more boring to play and have simpler mechanics, as they are usually built around sustain and tankieness.

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Despite what some think, this role is a lot of peoples favorite and this gives some equally underrated champions their much deserved time in the spotlight. Here are ten great champions who are also the best laners in League of Legends.

10 Illaoi

Illaoi is one of the most annoying champions to lane against in the top lane, and that's saying something. Her ability to spawn tentacles around her makes it so that the person she is planning against is always at a disadvantage in a fight.

The thing about Illaoi is that no matter how annoying she is in lane, she becomes more dangerous in team fights, being able to somewhat Isolate enemy ADC's and in team fights, if she uses her multi she can turn the tide of a losing fight real quick.

9 Ornn

Ornn is a fairly new top lane champion to League of Legends and on his release, he brought along a lot of new mechanics and ideas to the game. First off he is able to buy items outside of his spawn point which is a huge advantage during the landing phase obviously.

This gives him a massive amount of sustain, especially if players combo it with his ability to create buffed versions of finished items that makes him a huge boost to his team, not to mention his ultimate that can encompass an entire lane.

8 Malphite

Malphite is in a lot of ways the quintessential representation of a tank in League of Legends. He is a big bulky champion with a lot of sustain and not much damage and all of his spells either give CC or just make him even tankier.

This level of somewhat basicness can lead most players to think that he is a champion that only noobs choose to play due to his lack of complicated mechanics but that couldn't be further from the truth right now as he has a win rate of 52 percent.

7 Nasus

Everyone's favorite top lane dog Nasus is one of those champions that always manages to stay in the meta no matter what type of champions are currently being favored in it. This is due to his very well design kit that has basically received no changes aside from the normal nerfs and buffs that happen to every champion.

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In the current landscape of League of Legends, he has a 52 percent win rate with only a 3.85 percent ban rate, so players can usually rely on him as a pick.

6 Yasuo

Yasuo is a champion players either love or hate, and that really depends on if he is on your team or the enemies. It's strange how whenever he's on the opponent's team, he is somehow the best Yasuo player ever and when he's on your team, he is usually to busy feeding to do anything else.

This phenomenon might be what has to led to him being the most banned top lane champion in the game with an insane ban rate of 67 percent. However, he wouldn't be banned so much if he wasn't so viable in-game.

5 Mordekasier

Mordekaiser was a bit of a joke pick in the league community until he received his rework back in 2019. From then on he's become a 1v1 monster who didn't care who he was put up against.

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This could sometimes be to his deterrent but when his ultimate is used correctly and at the right time, especially during team fights, he could lock down that annoying assassin or ADC, take them away from the team fight and take them down before they could help out their team and do some damage.

4 Darius

The main man of dunks in League of Legends, Darius takes second place to Yasuo in terms of champions with the highest ban rates in the top lane. Darius currently has a ban rate of 54 percent, which is a lot. As a result, those who consider Darius to be their top champion don't get enough opportunities to play as him as much as they'd like to.

Similar to what was stated about Yasuo, the reason he gets banned so often is that right now, he is one of the strongest picks in the entire game.

3 Sett

Sett is the more recent champion to be released on this list and at his release, he was probably one of the most banned champions in the entire game. This is because on top of his straight forward but really solidly made kit, he was just straight up overpowered.

He was strong enough to 1 v 5 entire teams for 30 seconds and still be alive and even take out half of the enemy team on his own. Despite all of the nerfs he has faced since his debut he is still one of the strongest top lane picks.

2 Teemo

Teemo is one of, if not the absolute most hated character in all of League of Legends, it's to there point where Riot Games themselves put jokes in the game about how Teemo is the devil not just once but quite a lot of times. So much so that it's hard to keep track!

Teemo, despite being the most hated character in the game, is still played by a lot of players, even at high levels so it makes sense why he has a fairly high ban rate of 12.33 percent. On top of that, he also has a pretty high win rate, that being 51.63 percent.

1 Garen

Despite not being used that much in top-level competitive play, in fact, he can be a bit of a meme pick in competitions, Garen is still a solid pick for most players in most low to mid and even some of the higher level ELOs.

Garen currently enjoys a 51 percent win rate and while that isn't the highest on this list he does enjoy the lowest ban percentage out of all the current S rank champions at 13.57 percent. His simple kit and seemingly infinite heals for himself make him a solid frontline for any team.

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